Shattered France

Created by yelekam (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/29/2021
Number of attempts: 253
Number of wins: 56
Number of likes: 18
Record holder: Ken in 26 turns on 10/21/2023


Following a global apocalypse, French society was shattered and lies in ruins. Lead the Nationalists, as they seek to unify the French people and establish the Sixth Republic of France. You will have to face off against many opponents, including the remnants of the Emergency Government, the forces of the European Unionist movement, the Royalists lead by Louis XX, the Napoleanics lead by Napolean IV, the Communists, regional warlords in Normany, Aquitaine, and Burgundy, and the raider hordes terrorizing communities throughout France. Do you have what it takes to rebuild a shattered France?