total state domination series episode 1

Created by deaththekid89 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/5/2021
Number of attempts: 337
Number of wins: 41
Number of likes: 16
Record holder: Morty in 31 turns on 11/5/2021


this is the first part of my series and i do this total random with help from a few programs which is totally random! and the first war are you ready? only states selected will be going to war and its time to go to war!

1st move florida allied new mexico?

2nd move nevada is attacking oregan now good news and bad news....the bad news is well.... unforchanetly for you oregan cought news that someone is about to invade them however they thought it was going to be a naval oh ya and that last part was the good news so...yea and another bad thing....oregan...has twice your size of your army so this game is really hard and ment to be a long long fight...good luck!