total domination series episode 1 part 2

Created by deaththekid89 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/6/2021
Number of attempts: 90
Number of wins: 75
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: Jm in 7 turns on 11/6/2021


total domination episode 1 part 2 .... orgeon bounces back!

navada is at the brink of collapse she pulls up all her reserves and trys to attack a monstouse rebellion supported by california THIS IS YOUR OPERTUNITY! you are portland and you let a very sucessfull rebellion along with farmers republic of southern oregan(also known as the rep. of jefferson) in recognization of it you both agree to push out navada out and you suceed greatly navada was cought completly unprepared and your forces rip through the scanty resistence of nevada and it is pushed almost to the point of collapse.