Eastern Victory Part 2: Russian Dominance

Created by YeetyYeetman (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 2/23/2022
Number of attempts: 78
Number of wins: 75
Number of likes: 6
Record holder: Michael H. in 6 turns on 2/23/2022


2044, a year after Russia invaded the Baltic, Romania, and Poland. Germany, France, and England had formed a coalition against Russian agression in Europe. Several other countries also joined. Russia is a little bit worried, so it invited Iberia to an alliance. Iberia demanded France and Naples if they win. Russia accepted the deal. Now, a "accident" took place in Norway, which caused the Great European War. Play as Iberia and take France, Italy, and help Russia win this war!