TL191 Second Great War United States Level 1

Created by Praying-Mantis (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/1/2022
Number of attempts: 132
Number of wins: 100
Number of likes: 18
Record holder: anonfriend in 8 turns on 5/1/2022


This takes place in timeline 191, an alternate history where the Confederate States won the Civil War. The Central Powers won Great War in this timeline (with the US on the Central Powers side and the Confederates on the Entente's side). After the war, the Confederacy was humiliated, and elected Jake Featherson and The Freedom Party (which is a hyper-nationalist party) into power. The Freedom party desired to regain its land lost in the Great War, and invaded the United States on June 22, 1941, in Operation Blackbeard.

The Defense of Ohio-The Confederates started the war by launching the invasion of Ohio. Their plan was to quickly reach Lake Erie before the Union forces could respond. You are in command of the US forces in Ohio. Your objective is to stop the Confederate advance and push the Confederate armies out of Ohio. Will you succeed? Only time will tell...