Hail to the Qing 6

Created by loliconkamisama1 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/21/2022
Number of attempts: 34
Number of wins: 20
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: Palatino in 28 turns on 5/22/2022


Hello, Son of Heaven. With Hitler on the cusp of defeat in Europe, the time for total war with the colonial powers is near. But first, America has somehow gathered an alliance of Latin American nations with the support from the European Allied Powers. The Empire of Japan has also declared war on us, hoping to regain their former glory.

Fight for the Qing! We shall not fall again.

Oh, and let's just invade Norway, as well as the Baltic States, for good measure ^_^