alternate future of DSA episode 3

Created by deaththekid89 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/9/2022
Number of attempts: 140
Number of wins: 51
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: arkanaut in 22 turns on 7/10/2022


news finally sinks in while most nations establish their own standing armies for defense some states such as California had other issues including bankruptcy which inspired a rebellion in California so they can get money for the northern regions which is sparsely populated compared to the southern part of the state

California at this time was in political turmoil with many states blaming their policies for the break up of the union (lies fed by other states trying to take advantage of California's situation).

you are now called the Jefferson rebellion your job is to conquer the northern California region and make sure to establish into your own nation. but don't worry because the rebellion to your south is here to help you just need to unify Jefferson by destroying the massive army of California. if you don't well... try not to think about it because...well its better not to ;)

good luck everyone! :)