The Empire of Corn Pt. 4: The ExpansionCreated by EmperorTimmy17 (all)State: Public AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness Went public on 7/16/2022 Number of attempts: 70 Number of wins: 57 Number of likes: 5 Record holder: gman314 in 11 turns on 7/17/2022 |
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While the EoC was busy fending off invaders in the Midwest, other regions of the Dis-United States were their own states growing in size and power. The South had The Florida-Man Republic, the South-West had the Lone Star Empire, the West had the Communist State of California, and the Northeast had New York. Just New York. While there were other states in between like Utah and Wyoming, these five were the major powers. Unfortunately, you and the FMR would find yourselves roped into a war against the LSE and New York over some skirmishes in Kansas, Ohio, and Mississippi. Good luck commander. |