Wars of the North Pt 16

Created by Lord Maximus 15265 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/16/2022
Number of attempts: 108
Number of wins: 79
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: (deleted) in 18 turns on 11/16/2022


The North is united, though somewhat reluctantly. The Boltons are grudgingly sworn to you, but only the loyalty of your bannermen is keeping them docile. But a new threat is approaching, a threat that is sweeping across Westeros like the plague. First men are being wiped out wherever it goes. The Andals have come to Westeros, bringing their foreign religion with them. But the North is old and proud, with strong defences. Andal armies approach from the south and from the eastern shores. You are Theon Stark, earn your name, through back the invaders with a united North.