Epic Westeros currency 24 50/80 25%

Created by Taris Larech (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/16/2023
Number of attempts: 229
Number of wins: 19
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: K.C. in 67 turns on 3/4/2024


You start at the doors of the Red Keep, ready to proclaim yourself as (King/Queen)! Your closest rival is House Targaryen. They are gathering the support of those loyal to Dragonstone. House Caswell is ambitiously expanding their borders towards the Crown Lands. Every other clan, house, nation, and even pirates are aggressively conquering the ungoverned lands around them. Can you become the true Ruler of the Realm!?
Battles are chaotic and costly, especially for the aggressor. Cities are expensive and your army is only as big as you can afford (limited to three times your income). Roads are free to travel unless you run across an opponent. Villages, towns, cities, and capitols are defended more than regular neutral territories. Opponents start with their house territory already established except for the Pirates of Lys that must gather support.