The founding of Israel part 3

Created by Yattan7 (all)
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Went public on 12/15/2023
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Record holder: eliott in 11 turns on 12/15/2023


About 50 years have passed since the first invasions and Joshua has died at the ripe age of 110 having given a final warning that the Israelites should follow God. The Israelites now acted like individual tribes yet still united in faith and brotherhood. There were no taxes except donations to the synagogues and to the poor. All the land of Israel was green and lush with planes and forests as desertification had not yet set in. Yet there still remained many pagan cannanites in the land who offered child sacrifices and lived other abhorrent practices, these God ordered destroyed.

Judah thus invaded the lands of Adoni-bezek, a king known for cutting off the toes and thumbs of his enemies. They also made war with Gaza, kirjath-arba and kirjath-sepher
And renamed them Hebron and Debir. They also helped Dan drive out the Amorites.

But not all obeyed the command to drive out the cannanites.
Ephraim, benjamin, Naphtali, Zebulon and Asher did not drive out the idol worshipers but made treaties with them instead.

You will command the fractured forces of the obedient tribes of Judah and Simeon, as well as faithful tribes. Because some tribes did not obey God’s commands you loose the income of many territories.