WW3 part 1-invesion of the north-Denmark (11)

Created by yoyolevin (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/25/2023
Number of attempts: 244
Number of wins: 224
Number of likes: 26
Record holder: L.S.D. in 7 turns on 12/25/2023


you play as Germany.
This is the beginning of World War III which broke out because someone from the Russo-Polish Monarchy murdered the heir to the Italian throne. Germany decided to quickly invade Denmark, which is now controlled by The Northern Union. You'll have to hurry, Denmark don't have many defenses at the moment but if you give them time to organize you won't be able to win. You have strong armies on the ground and the German Marshal commands the commando army in the treacherous Danish islands.