French Civil War (Part 3)

Created by ww2 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/29/2024
Number of attempts: 118
Number of wins: 113
Number of likes: 14
Record holder: Billy Jack in 4 turns on 6/29/2024


The year is 2028.

3 days after the Defensive and the counter-offensive in the Yvelines and Essonne Region, a distress call came out: the Nord-Pas-De-Calais region has been severely pushed back by the same rebel group that took northern Paris. This time it's their second most biggest rebel group that originated from Roubaix. At the first day of the revolution, the rebels entered Lille and caught by surprise the law enforcement which called the gendarmerie for reinforcement. When the gendarmerie arrived it was already too late: Lille was surrounded and taken the next day. The military arrived a few days later and the rebels arleady progressed: the surrounding of Lille and the entire Nord region was taken by ten of thousands of militia rebels. They are heavily armed and superior in numbers. Fortunatly, our allies will help us: The British Army and Belgian Army sended some troops to help us take back the Nord region. While the British and Belgian troops take care of the biggest army numbers, the best bet is to our forces to strike the eastern position in your line, and to hold the Lille region as it is heavily protected by the rebels. Taking the entire east of the Nord region will make Lille surrounded and would be our chance to take it back.