French civil war (Part 4)

Created by ww2 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/30/2024
Number of attempts: 105
Number of wins: 91
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: jandrew in 8 turns on 7/2/2024


The year is 2028.

While the french forces and his allies finished the rebels in the Nord region, something unexpected happened in the north of Paris. The main rebel forces that we pushed back from Nanterre and Saint-Denis came back with overwhelming reinforcement. The Paris garnison security forces was defending the city, but ultimately has been pushed back and took heavy casualties. We are at risk of losing Paris once again. All troops from the Yvelines and Essonne region has been called urgently, as we facing probably around thousands of armed men. The backup will have 3-4 times their numbers but Paris is in a state of ruins: our garnison troop will have a hard time going through the city, and ultimately we projected that the rebels will control half of the city, and even more in the south. When reinforcement arrives, we would break their lines and easily take Paris back, beware as they will use guerilla warfare and spread around the capital if our forces don't cover the entire area.