Blitzkrieg: Germany

Created by one12345 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/11/2024
Number of attempts: 317
Number of wins: 70
Number of likes: 16
Record holder: Tobi in 9 turns on 7/21/2024


This scenario starts right before the German invasion of Poland. Can you lead Germany to victory before the industrial might of the Allies overwhelms you?

You begin as Germany allied to Italy, and face off against France, the UK, and the Soviet Union. Neutral nations that did not participate in WW2 have a strength of 10, while non-AI neutral nations that did participate have a strength of 5 for all territories except their capital, which has a strength of 10. AI nations have 5 stacks as armies in various cities and other strategic locations, with a few exceptions: France has a 30 stack to represent the Maginot Line, and the USSR has 100 Stacks in the top-right corner, making for a devastating counterattack if not prepared!