funny boss gigaclump setup (read host comment)

Created by A_wild_l (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/24/2024
Number of attempts: 93
Number of wins: 73
Number of likes: 3
Record holder: Douglas Rishell in 1 turns on 8/24/2024


Here are the instructions for this level: to win, simply defeat the yellow AI on the right. The point of this level is to gather 36 bosses on one territory. You control the bosses on the upper left of the map. Throw them against the giant neutral nearby, and they should split up into 12, each with 90 armies. Now regather them and throw them against the giant neutral nearby again to split them into 36 of strength 80, which you should again bring back together. Do not do this a third time, or the bosses will vanish. There is actually an entire (small) bonus of giant neutrals; you can only see the one territory at first though. This is in case one of the bosses spawns there, so that you will still be able to split, as a boss spawning there will overwrite the giant neutral and prevent a split from being possible on that territory. When all 36 are gathered onto one territory, you will see a giant row of boss icons. Try attacking/transferring from that territory, as the menu looks quite goofy. Also, don't forget that you can win by defeating the AI at the right of the map, which should be very easy.