Winds of Winter- Reclaiming the Throne (Stannis)Created by Stannis Baratheon (all)State: Public AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness Went public on 7/8/2016 Number of attempts: 341 Number of wins: 302 Number of likes: 15 Record holder: [V.I.W]*mtanzer* in 7 turns on 7/9/2016 |
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The North is ours Roose Bolton's head is rotting on a spike along with Ramsey's With the north secured we must move south and crush all the usurpers and traitors The Crown is supported by the Freys, the Lannister and the Tyrells Young Griff has landed and joined forces with the Martells, he wants the Iron Throne!!! Dragonstone and Storms End are both under siege and a sellsword force is coming. The rightful king is coming!!! |