GoT Historical Campaign LVL 8

Created by Circle J (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/12/2016
Number of attempts: 291
Number of wins: 182
Number of likes: 13
Record holder: [V.I.W]*mtanzer* in 8 turns on 7/14/2016


950 years before Aegon the Conqueror-----The Rhoynish Wars:The Valyrian Freehold's slow westward expansion brings it into conflict with the Rhoynish cities along the great River Rhoyne, a vast waterway. This series of wars , starting around 950 BC with the First Turtle War, lasts for some two hundred and fifty years and ends with the Second Spice War.
700 years BC-----The Rhoynar Migration: Prince Garin the Great raises an army a quarter-million strong to oppose the Valyrians, but fails utterly against their dragons. Following the defeat of the Rhoynar in the Second Spice War, Nymeria, a Rhoynish warrior-queen, evacuates the survivors of Garin's war, mostly women and children, on ten thousand ships across the narrow sea, seeking refuge in Dorne in southern Westeros. The unification of Dorne under Nymeria and Mors Martell leads to new conflicts with the kingdoms of the Reach and the Storm, expressed through raids, skirmishes, and the occasional wars over the centuries.