The Feline State 9: Operation Neow

Created by (((Tabby Juggernaut))) (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/25/2016
Number of attempts: 106
Number of wins: 24
Number of likes: 1
Record holder: druide in 1 turns on 12/28/2016


The Feline State annexed ECOWAS with ease. Abuja has been renamed Felington and it has become the capital of Feline Western Africa.

Sub-Saharan African countries other than Mauritius all agree that "Feline aggression" is an existential threat. The West does not help them. Nor does China, India, Iran, Russia or Arab countries since we have offered all of them favor which will only be disclosed after the region has been secured.

AU has expelled North African states and Mauritius. It also decides to form the Armed Forces of the African Union (AFAU). AU countries are now mobilizing and AFAU planes have begun to airlift troops and supplies to Chad, Cameroon and islands in the Cameroon line.

Since DR Congo and South Sudan do not have a lot of roads, AFAU has to send supplies through East Africa or use aircrafts and ships. PFF has noticed that Gabon and Republic of Congo are lightly defended. Hence we will take them in a surprise attack.

PFF paratroopers have landed in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire.