Levels by Ambiorix
Rome: Total War
The Siege
Total War: Byzantine
Total War: The Cold War
Total War: Oktober Revolution
Can You Do it?
Difficult for beginners, easy for advanced players
Total War: European Empires
The Donald VS Rocket Man
Hide And Seek
The Winner Takes All
Total War: War Of Religions
Total War: World War 2 1942
Helter Skelter
Star Trek: The Dominion War
Hidden Path
Trump The Trump
The Godfather
Break an arm here, Break a leg there
My Name Is Maximus Decimus Meridius
A Brave New World
Crocodile Dundee
Pablo Escobar
Vladimir Putin
Idi Amin Dada
Napoleon Bonaparte
Donald Trump
Please do not post ridiculous games
Lord Of The Rings: A Warzone Tale
Lucky Luciano
Forget About It
He Who Speak's Dont know, He who know's Dont speak
William Wallace, Are You Looking For Trouble Pal
The Global Authority
The Party Of Davos
Belgian Colonial Empire
The Founders Are Wise In All Things!
The Glory Of Rome
Ali Bumaye
Figure it out
Workers Unite, You Have Only Your Chains To Lose!
entry of the gods into valhalla
La Santa María
Only Gods Enter Valhalla
Flemish Revolution 2029
The Manchurian Candidate
War Of Faiths
World Empire: Genghis Khan
Shogun War Of the 20 Samurai Clans
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
The Hunderd Years War
The Dutch Golden Century
World War 2 Total War
Total War: Napoleon
Fair game
Napoleonic Wars: The War Of the Third Coalition
Long Live The Shah
Vlaanderen De Leeuw
Do not reason why, there is but to do and die
Operation Dragon Rouge, Congo Crisis 1964
Dutch Empire 1543 -1962
Interstella5555: The 5tory of the 5th 5tar 5ystem
The Scramble for Africa
Belgica 214 BC
Not Rigged
Belgian Colonial Empire 1843-1962
War of the Sixth Coalition 1813-1814
Ukraine War
Its Willie Time!
Huntington's Clash of Civilizations!
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
German Colonial Empire
Second American Civil War
The Legend of Israel
The honorable way!
Make Warzone Great Again!