Update 5.28: New video generator

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.28.0! This update completely overhauls the video-generator.

This update is live now on the website and standalone clients. iOS and Android will skip this update and receive the next version, but they can use the new video generator immediately since it’s generated by the website.

New Video Generator

When you finish a multi-player game, Warzone has a “Export to YouTube” button. This button turns your game into a video and uploads it to YouTube.

Prior to this update, the videos that were generated were not very good. The old one simply rendered each turn of your game into an image and then assembled those images into a video.

Now with this update, the videos are fully rendered out in the game engine itself, showing every attack in its gory detail!

Here’s examples of what a new rendered videos can look like:


As you can see, the videos now show the attacks, army numbers, army graph, maps in 3d, and also give the creator options to put text on top of the video, or even add spoken text.

To make it even better, the videos are made much faster to create — the videos above would have taken several minutes before, but instead they were each made in about 30 seconds!

You can render any finished multi-player game, completely for free. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Other Changes

– Classic: When levelling up gives you a new feature request vote, the level up dialog now tells you this.
– Classic: Fixed templates that contain deleted mods.
– Website: Fixed in-line images in feature request forum.
– Website: Fixed enter keypresses inserting newlines in addition to submitting chat messages.
– Website: Fixed defender kill-boxes appearing under the terrain in some 3d maps.
– All: Fixed clan war cache size.
– All: Fixed android push notifications.
– Idle: Idle Battles starting now notifies global chat.
– Unity: Fixed tournament names on multi-player tab.

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