Update 5.32: Custom Cards, and more

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.32.0! This update adds a whole bunch of features that were requested by the community on the Feature Request forum. In fact it’s a new record for number of feature requests being completed in one update. This blog post describes what’s changed.

5.32.0 is live now on the Warzone website and the standalone clients. This update will be coming to iOS and Android in the coming week or two.

Custom Cards

It’s now possible for mods to add custom cards to a game. The goal is to make custom cards integrate seamlessly into the game just as if they were a built-in card. Mods get full control over what the cards will do, so get ready for some wild ideas from the modding community!

  • Custom cards show up the cards dialog right alongside all the other cards for the game.
  • Mods can upload their own image to define what the card looks like in the cards dialog.
  • Mods get complete control exactly what happens when the card is played. They can optionally present UI and ask the player for more details about the card. (like blockade and many other cards do)
  • Custom cards are distributed just like any other card — for capturing a territory. Or a mod can override this and distribute them however they’d like.
  • Custom cards can configured by the game creator just like any other cards (number of pieces, minimum pieces per turn, etc.) Or mods can override this and configure them however they’d like to.

I can’t wait to see what the modding community will come up with. The possibilities are endless!

Maps Page Shows Popular Templates

When viewing a map’s information page, Warzone now shows the 5 most popular templates that have been played using that map. This is a helpful way to discover templates you might enjoy.

Additionally, map pages show an approximate number of multi-player games that have been played on each map, to help players gauge the map’s popularity.

Mini Cards Update While Watching

When watching a Warzone classic turn play, the small card icons that appear on the top of the screen now accurately reflect the point in time you’re watching, rather than always reflecting the latest state of the game. This is helpful to avoid spoilers. Prior to this update, you could tell if you got a card piece during a turn before watching the turn.

Show Selected Orders on Mobile

When watching a Warzone classic turn play with the orders list collapsed (as is common on mobile), the currently playing order’s text will now be shown in the upper right corner. This is helpful for knowing what is going on while watching a turn, for example if a player is eliminated, you’ll now get a chance to see the name of the player who is eliminated rather than just hearing the elimination sound and not knowing what the sound meant.

Average Template Durations

In Clan Wars and Quickmatch, the duration of real-time multi-player games is now measured and displayed alongside the template. For example it may say that Small Earth Auto Dist takes X minutes on average to play whereas Strategic 1v1 takes Y minutes on average.

These numbers are automatically calculated from actual games played on that template. Data will only be shown if Warzone has at least 300 games to sample, to ensure its accuracy.

Numbered Attacks

When you make more than 30 attacks in a Warzone classic game, the orders panel in the upper right now displays numbers next to each one (1, 2, 3, etc.). This is helpful for coordinating with teammates in large games, such as if you want to tell them that your attack to Brazil is your 22nd attack, you no longer need to manually count them.

Mobile Start-up Screen

iOS and Android users can now configure in the settings what screen they’d like to see the app default to when they first open it. They can choose from single-player, multi-player, or idle.

This is an enhanced version of the old setting that used to exist, and it’s now back by popular demand! This new version is better though, since the old version only allowed toggling between multi-player and idle, and the old one defaulted to idle.

Idle Dig Sites

When opening the Dig Sites dialog in Warzone Idle, it now shows additional details about each dig site so you get an idea of what rarity options you’ll have before opening the dig site. This helps you find the dig site you’d like to when you’re on a large level with lots of dig sites.

Hide Inactive Graphs

When using the graphs in the statistics dialog, a new checkbox lets you hide all inactive players. For large games, this can be very helpful in filtering down the graph to the most relevant games as it can be time-consuming to un-check each inactive player by hand.

New Mod Hooks

Mods now have options to hook into the client whenever a player enters an order, or whenever a player commits their turn. This gives mods additional opportunities to create better user experiences than before.

Ask Fizzer Anything

This Monday, January 20th at 11am PST, Fizzer will be doing an Ask-Me-Anything session live on twitch! Feel free to drop in and ask any questions you have, or if you can’t make it, you can post your questions to this thread and view the recording containing your answer after it’s over.


  • Classic: Open games now display a small “O” next to the player’s name in the player popup dialog if that player joined the game via an open seat. This now makes it possible to know if a player was directly invited to a game or if it was an open game after the game started.
  • Classic: In the statistics graphs, moved the “check/uncheck all” and “group teams” buttons to their own row so that the dialog is more usable on small screens.
  • Classic: When watching a turn in a commerce game, it now skips the “received gold” order.
  • Classic: The seasonal ladder’s boot time was adjusted. 12 hours was moved from base time to banked time, to help ensure games finish before the end of the season.
  • Classic: Fixed the color of the box on the multi-player page of very dark player colors, such as Smoky Black, so the icon on top of the box is always visible.
  • Classic: Fixed a bug when joining a game in the lobby that could present a blank list of colors to choose from.
  • All: Added ability to upvote/downvote group forum posts and threads.
  • All: Added ability to watch group forum threads.
  • All: Clan war free win behavior reverted to pre-5.31.
  • All: When listing players in a group with more than 50 members, it now pages the players to keep the page running fast.
  • All: Fixed a bug that could make pending groups get duplicated in the list.
  • All: Fixed groups announcing when a moderator revokes a pending invite.
  • Unity: Fixed a bug that made forum links open in browser instead of the app.
  • Unity: Fixed a bug that made “plays from” get duplicated on profile pages.
  • Website: The map page was converted to use UJS.
  • Website: Fixed full setting labels being left-aligned instead of right-aligned.
  • API: Added clan wars API.
  • API: Fixed the CreateGame allowing templates with the “non members can use mods” flag.

4 thoughts on “Update 5.32: Custom Cards, and more”

  1. Hi Fizzer,

    How about allowing orders to be segmented by priority?

    Orders tend to have 3 priorities:
    1) High priority. Sometimes you have multiple high priority orders, and have to figure out what is best order to have them execute.
    2) Anywhere priority. These are orders that come after #1, above, but these orders can be in any order. These are typically background (behind the front lines) orders that will happen, no matter what.
    3) Delayed orders (not to be confused with the delay card). These orders you want to execute after #1 and #2, above.

    When you have dozens of orders, and suddenly realize that you have one that should be placed with #1, or with #3, you have to figure out where that grouping of orders is placed. Or if you have a dozen orders that you want to have at the end, and discover you need one more to add to that group, you have to figure out where that end-group begins.

    Or, if you discover that you missed placing an order, and want it to be a #2 category order, you have to be careful to not place it too high or too low in your order list. Seeing the #2 grouping would allow you to quickly move an order into that grouping.

    If our order list could include a way of identifying which of our orders we want tagged as #1, #2, or #3, that simplifies shuffling our orders around.

    Lastly, the above would simplify placing orders quickly, as we would be able to tidy things up by reviewing #1, to see if those important first orders are, themselves, in the best order. Same goes for #3. We could quickly tidy those up, to choose which ones need to be delayed the longest.

    All of the above is already being done manually (by players that are careful with their orders). But it is a bit tedious to move orders around, and avoid accidentally moving an order too high or too low.

    My long comment was meant for clarity. I hope it made things clear.

    User: Perhaps (Member — Level 59)

  2. I kid you not, I checked this blog just to see if custom cards were here, and it’s the latest blog entry. Awesome news, can’t wait to mod it

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