Update 5.33: Clan Rumble, Custom Fog

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.33.0! This update adds a new clan competition called Clan Rumble as well as a bunch of other improvements. This blog post describes what’s changed.

This update is live now on the website at warzone.com and on the standalone clients. This update will come to the Android and iOS apps in the coming week or two.

Clan Rumble

A new on-going clan competition kicks off with this update which is called Clan Rumble! Clan Rumble is a mega game with up to 400 players that any clanned player may join, up to a maximum of 5 players from each clan.

Clan-mates will be automatically teamed together when the game starts.

The winning team will win 3000 coins and glory for their clan!

You can join the first one at this link. The game will start in 4 days, even if it’s not full, so join soon! The next game in the series will be created 60 days after this one starts. Good luck!

Custom Fog

Mod creators now have the ability to control the fog levels of individual territories in Warzone Classic games. Mods have a lot of flexibility in what they can do, as they can either increase or decrease visibility of territories, and choose exactly which players the changes apply to (even teammates can have different visibility if mod authors choose to do so).

I’ve published an example mod to show how it can be used call the Smoke Bomb Card mod. When you play a Smoke Bomb, you can target a territory, and for the next turn that territory and all adjacent territories will be fogged for all players. It’s kind of like a reverse reconnaissance card.

This has been a frequent request from the mod making community, so I’m excited to see what they create!

Ask Fizzer Anything

This Monday, February 17th at 11am PST, Fizzer will be doing an Ask-Me-Anything session live on twitch! Feel free to drop in and ask any questions you have, or if you can’t make it, you can post your questions to this thread and view the recording containing your answer after it’s over.

Other Changes

  • Classic: Mega games that are in-progress now show the number of active players on the My Games page, in the format “active players / total players”
  • Classic: Seasonal ladder length increased from 60 to 65 days.
  • Classic: When exporting a game to YouTube, it now includes a legend showing each player’s name and color in the top right corner.
  • Classic: When you get auto-committed in a multi-day game, you’ll now get a popup the next time you open the game explaining that you were auto-committed. This helps new players understand what is going on, such as why all of their armies may not have been deployed.
  • Classic: Fixed armies/turn figure displayed for overridden bonuses in bonus popup after clicking “View map” in the settings dialog.
  • Classic: Fixed overlapping army numbers in youtube-exported videos.
  • Classic: Fixed names sometimes being blank in 3v3s in youtube-exported videos.
  • Classic: Fixed the AI trying to move its commander even if it doesn’t control the territory the commander is on (which can happen with mods)
  • Mods: Fixed a bug that could make a generic warzone error instead of a mod failed error if you tried to set a property on a destroyed object (for example, Button’s SetInteractable)
  • Mods: Added GameStanding.IncomeMods so that mods can override incomes on the first turn of a game.
  • All: When exporting a game to YouTube while at your youtube-video-upload limit, you now get a friendly message explaining that you’re at your limit.
  • All: The “open groups” page no longer filters groups you’re already in.
  • All: Retired map of the week.
  • Unity: Fixed allowing multiple idle tabs if you set your default open screen to idle.
  • Idle: Fixed Army Camp Boost artifact so it now affects draft size when swapped in with the Auto Artifact Swapper.
  • Idle: Fixed purchasing a rare artifact from saying it was epic.
  • Website: Fixed the “hide lottery game” button from showing on the Filtered Open Games page.
  • Babylon: Major performance improvements
  • Babylon: Fixed overlapping attack arrow visual glitch.

Update 5.32: Custom Cards, and more

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.32.0! This update adds a whole bunch of features that were requested by the community on the Feature Request forum. In fact it’s a new record for number of feature requests being completed in one update. This blog post describes what’s changed.

5.32.0 is live now on the Warzone website and the standalone clients. This update will be coming to iOS and Android in the coming week or two.

Custom Cards

It’s now possible for mods to add custom cards to a game. The goal is to make custom cards integrate seamlessly into the game just as if they were a built-in card. Mods get full control over what the cards will do, so get ready for some wild ideas from the modding community!

  • Custom cards show up the cards dialog right alongside all the other cards for the game.
  • Mods can upload their own image to define what the card looks like in the cards dialog.
  • Mods get complete control exactly what happens when the card is played. They can optionally present UI and ask the player for more details about the card. (like blockade and many other cards do)
  • Custom cards are distributed just like any other card — for capturing a territory. Or a mod can override this and distribute them however they’d like.
  • Custom cards can configured by the game creator just like any other cards (number of pieces, minimum pieces per turn, etc.) Or mods can override this and configure them however they’d like to.

I can’t wait to see what the modding community will come up with. The possibilities are endless!

Maps Page Shows Popular Templates

When viewing a map’s information page, Warzone now shows the 5 most popular templates that have been played using that map. This is a helpful way to discover templates you might enjoy.

Additionally, map pages show an approximate number of multi-player games that have been played on each map, to help players gauge the map’s popularity.

Mini Cards Update While Watching

When watching a Warzone classic turn play, the small card icons that appear on the top of the screen now accurately reflect the point in time you’re watching, rather than always reflecting the latest state of the game. This is helpful to avoid spoilers. Prior to this update, you could tell if you got a card piece during a turn before watching the turn.

Show Selected Orders on Mobile

When watching a Warzone classic turn play with the orders list collapsed (as is common on mobile), the currently playing order’s text will now be shown in the upper right corner. This is helpful for knowing what is going on while watching a turn, for example if a player is eliminated, you’ll now get a chance to see the name of the player who is eliminated rather than just hearing the elimination sound and not knowing what the sound meant.

Average Template Durations

In Clan Wars and Quickmatch, the duration of real-time multi-player games is now measured and displayed alongside the template. For example it may say that Small Earth Auto Dist takes X minutes on average to play whereas Strategic 1v1 takes Y minutes on average.

These numbers are automatically calculated from actual games played on that template. Data will only be shown if Warzone has at least 300 games to sample, to ensure its accuracy.

Numbered Attacks

When you make more than 30 attacks in a Warzone classic game, the orders panel in the upper right now displays numbers next to each one (1, 2, 3, etc.). This is helpful for coordinating with teammates in large games, such as if you want to tell them that your attack to Brazil is your 22nd attack, you no longer need to manually count them.

Mobile Start-up Screen

iOS and Android users can now configure in the settings what screen they’d like to see the app default to when they first open it. They can choose from single-player, multi-player, or idle.

This is an enhanced version of the old setting that used to exist, and it’s now back by popular demand! This new version is better though, since the old version only allowed toggling between multi-player and idle, and the old one defaulted to idle.

Idle Dig Sites

When opening the Dig Sites dialog in Warzone Idle, it now shows additional details about each dig site so you get an idea of what rarity options you’ll have before opening the dig site. This helps you find the dig site you’d like to when you’re on a large level with lots of dig sites.

Hide Inactive Graphs

When using the graphs in the statistics dialog, a new checkbox lets you hide all inactive players. For large games, this can be very helpful in filtering down the graph to the most relevant games as it can be time-consuming to un-check each inactive player by hand.

New Mod Hooks

Mods now have options to hook into the client whenever a player enters an order, or whenever a player commits their turn. This gives mods additional opportunities to create better user experiences than before.

Ask Fizzer Anything

This Monday, January 20th at 11am PST, Fizzer will be doing an Ask-Me-Anything session live on twitch! Feel free to drop in and ask any questions you have, or if you can’t make it, you can post your questions to this thread and view the recording containing your answer after it’s over.


  • Classic: Open games now display a small “O” next to the player’s name in the player popup dialog if that player joined the game via an open seat. This now makes it possible to know if a player was directly invited to a game or if it was an open game after the game started.
  • Classic: In the statistics graphs, moved the “check/uncheck all” and “group teams” buttons to their own row so that the dialog is more usable on small screens.
  • Classic: When watching a turn in a commerce game, it now skips the “received gold” order.
  • Classic: The seasonal ladder’s boot time was adjusted. 12 hours was moved from base time to banked time, to help ensure games finish before the end of the season.
  • Classic: Fixed the color of the box on the multi-player page of very dark player colors, such as Smoky Black, so the icon on top of the box is always visible.
  • Classic: Fixed a bug when joining a game in the lobby that could present a blank list of colors to choose from.
  • All: Added ability to upvote/downvote group forum posts and threads.
  • All: Added ability to watch group forum threads.
  • All: Clan war free win behavior reverted to pre-5.31.
  • All: When listing players in a group with more than 50 members, it now pages the players to keep the page running fast.
  • All: Fixed a bug that could make pending groups get duplicated in the list.
  • All: Fixed groups announcing when a moderator revokes a pending invite.
  • Unity: Fixed a bug that made forum links open in browser instead of the app.
  • Unity: Fixed a bug that made “plays from” get duplicated on profile pages.
  • Website: The map page was converted to use UJS.
  • Website: Fixed full setting labels being left-aligned instead of right-aligned.
  • API: Added clan wars API.
  • API: Fixed the CreateGame allowing templates with the “non members can use mods” flag.

Update 5.31: Warzone Groups!

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.31.0! This update adds a new major feature called groups, as well as a bunch of smaller features and improvements. This blog post describes what’s changed.

5.31.0 is live now on the Warzone website, and this update will be coming to iOS, Android, and the Standalone clients in the coming week or two.


Warzone Groups are kind of like a clan in that they allow players to chat and socialize together. However, unlike clans, you can be in multiple groups at a time, groups have no size limit, and groups are completely free.

When you create or join a group, you’ll get access to the chat room for that group, which will appear right next to the Global and Clan chat rooms that exist today. You also get access to a private forum that only members of that group can access.

You can access groups on the Warzone website under the Community drop-down, or on the mobile app by clicking the head button in the top right corner. Here, any player can join or create a group for free.

When you make a group, you’ll be the owner of that group. You can promote any player to be a moderator of the group, or even promote players to be a group owner alongside yourself.

When you make a group, you give the group a name, pick a color for it, and specify a few other creation settings. The groups settings can be changed at any time in the future (even its name) by a group owner or moderator.

Groups can either be open, meaning that any player can browse and join it via the Open Groups button, or closed, meaning players have to be invited to the group to be allowed in. Any moderator or owner can invite players to a group. Warzone makes it easy to invite players by name, from your friends list, from a clan, or from any player’s profile page. If you invite a player to join your group, they’ll get a notification in via the envelope button in the upper right with an option to accept or decline the group invite (assuming they’re running app version 5.31.0 or newer, which is required to interact with groups).

If a group owner leaves the group, another player will be picked to be the new owner. If there are any moderators, they’ll get picked first, otherwise a random player in the group will be picked as the new owner. This way, groups always have an owner.

Why use Groups?

Groups can be used for many purposes, such as:

  • Friends that want to keep in touch even if they’re not in the same clan
  • Players that enjoy the same type of games, such as diplomacy games
  • Players that want to talk about specific features, such as map creation or mod development
  • Players that are in a game together and want to discuss the game, such as a team that formed in a diplomacy game
  • Players that want to have real-time discussion about Warzone’s regulated topics such as politics

The possibilities are endless. Ultimately it will be up to you, the Warzone community, to determine how groups are used. This update is just the first step in groups, and I hope to see them evolve over time. Feel free to use the Feature Requests forum to request new group features as you see them. The idea for groups themselves was a feature request posted to this forum!

What about Discord?

I know many players already use Discord for this purpose, and that’s totally fine. If Discord is working for you, please continue using it. Warzone’s chat room will never be better than Discord, but I know some people don’t like or aren’t able to install a separate app, don’t like switching between apps, or they like the integration that comes with being able to open the Warzone profile of every person they interact with.

Free Idle Arena Wins

If you start searching for an arena opponent, but no game is started after about a minute, you’ll now win the arena and get the reward without playing a game. This helps reward people who are trying to find matches but aren’t able to.

No-Split Delete Button

When playing Warzone Classic games in no-split mode, there’s now a “delete” button in the attack/transfer dialog. This makes it much easier to delete attacks if you’ve changed your mind, since previously you had to search for that order in the orders list to delete it.

Forum Search

The forums now have a search feature! It’s a pretty basic search, but it’s better than nothing. When viewing a forum you’ll now see a search button added to the top that lets you type in a search term and return forum threads that contain your search term.

Clan Wars improvements

Clan wars is now slightly more generous in giving out free wins. Previously, players only got free wins if none of their clan-mates queued on the same template in the same timeslot. Now, players will get a free win even if their clan-mates are queued on the same template. It is limited to one free win per clan per template in each timeslot.

When viewing the list of timeslots in a clan war, Warzone now properly sorts the latest timeslots to the top.

When viewing all clan war games, Warzone now properly sorts the free wins under the day in which they occurred.

Viewing Cards

In a Warzone classic game, when using the “View Opponent’s cards” button, Warzone now shows you all cards on one page instead of making you click a button next to each opponent’s name to look at their cards one at a time. This makes it much easier to view at a glance what is going on with everyone’s cards.

Ask Fizzer Anything

This Monday, December 23rd at 11am PST, Fizzer will be doing an Ask-Me-Anything session live on twitch! Feel free to drop in and ask any questions you have, or if you can’t make it, you can post your questions to this thread and view the recording containing your answer after it’s over.

Other Changes

  • Classic: In the no-luck analyze dialog, the number you selected is now highlighted green.
  • Classic: Added a “Game Start” line in the chat so it’s easy to see what chat was sent before the game started versus after.
  • Classic: Fixed the turn numbers displayed in chat, they were displaying 1 too high before.
  • Classic: Fixed the “random slots” game creation option so it can’t be used along with “let players pick territories” since that combination could result in errors when starting a game. Now, the random slots option is presented as a third distribution option when custom scenarios are checked, and the options were re-worded to make them clearer. To make this page cleaner, the custom scenario option was also moved to the top of the page, since the text below it depends on what is selected for custom scenario.
  • Classic: Fixed invite-by-code games not allowing more than 24 players to join.
  • Classic: Fixed deleted accounts showing up on quickmatch leaderboard.
  • Classic: Fixed showing your current ladder rating in the end-game dialog of seasonal ladder games (it used to say “unknown”)
  • All: Fixed forum post creation allowing players to type in more characters into the subject than the subject allows.
  • Idle: Fixed challenges not showing as completed until the page was refreshed.
  • Website: Fixed large images in feature request forum so they’re now sized down to the width of the page to be fully visible. Only fixed for posts created/edited after this update.
  • Website: Fixed a bug that sometimes made the fog texture not appear in Firefox.
  • Unity: Updated the Idle icon on the main menu so its style matches the others around it.
  • Unity: Fixed back button/gesture causing all tabs to go back instead of just the current tab.
  • Unity: Fixed showing too many decimal points when editing ladder data to show on your profile.
  • Mods: Added support for modded templates to the CreateGame API
  • Mods: Added proper support for neutral special units.
  • Mods: Fixed GameOrderCustom.TurnPhase not correctly persisting in multi-player.
  • Mods: Fixed lua global state not persisting in some cases on the website.

New Clan War Templates

As voted on by the community, we have two new templates being added to clan wars. Those two new templates are Strategic Greece and Volcano Island!

These will be added to the clan wars rotation immediately,

The highest-voted template was French Brawl, which was the last popular template that’s already included in clan wars, but as a result of its votes landing it in the top 3, it means it won’t be removed and will remain.

Clan wars players were polled and allowed to rank ten templates in the order they most desired them. 335 players responded to the poll, 98 clicked the “I don’t care” option, leaving 237 ballots.

Instant Runoff Voting Results

We then used an instant-runoff voting method to ensure everyone’s votes were counted. Here is the results of the instant-runoff voting algorithm:

10 candidates: Kabix, Biomes, Landria, Europe3v3, FrenchBrawl, VolcanoIsland, FoglessFighting, StrategicGreece, AseridithIslands, MacedoniaNoSplit
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 55 Kabix = 33 Europe3v3 = 28 Biomes = 28 StrategicGreece = 22 VolcanoIsland = 18 Landria = 17 AseridithIslands = 14 MacedoniaNoSplit = 14 FoglessFighting = 8
FoglessFighting is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 56 Kabix = 34 Europe3v3 = 28 Biomes = 28 StrategicGreece = 23 VolcanoIsland = 21 Landria = 17 AseridithIslands = 15 MacedoniaNoSplit = 15
AseridithIslands is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 56 Biomes = 35 Kabix = 34 Europe3v3 = 28 StrategicGreece = 27 VolcanoIsland = 23 Landria = 18 MacedoniaNoSplit = 16
MacedoniaNoSplit is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 57 Kabix = 36 Biomes = 36 Europe3v3 = 30 StrategicGreece = 30 VolcanoIsland = 27 Landria = 21
Landria is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 60 Biomes = 42 Kabix = 37 Europe3v3 = 33 StrategicGreece = 33 VolcanoIsland = 32
VolcanoIsland is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 70 Biomes = 49 Kabix = 42 StrategicGreece = 41 Europe3v3 = 35
Europe3v3 is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 79 Biomes = 59 Kabix = 54 StrategicGreece = 45
StrategicGreece is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 105 Biomes = 70 Kabix = 62
Kabix is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: FrenchBrawl = 140 Biomes = 97
FrenchBrawl won!
Number of remaining votes for each template: Kabix = 37 Biomes = 37 Europe3v3 = 34 StrategicGreece = 29 VolcanoIsland = 25 Landria = 23 AseridithIslands = 20 MacedoniaNoSplit = 17 FoglessFighting = 15
FoglessFighting is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Kabix = 39 Biomes = 39 Europe3v3 = 34 StrategicGreece = 34 VolcanoIsland = 28 Landria = 23 AseridithIslands = 21 MacedoniaNoSplit = 19
MacedoniaNoSplit is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Kabix = 42 Biomes = 41 StrategicGreece = 38 Europe3v3 = 36 VolcanoIsland = 33 Landria = 25 AseridithIslands = 22
AseridithIslands is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 51 Kabix = 43 StrategicGreece = 43 VolcanoIsland = 36 Europe3v3 = 36 Landria = 28
Landria is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 61 StrategicGreece = 47 Kabix = 45 VolcanoIsland = 44 Europe3v3 = 40
Europe3v3 is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 72 Kabix = 59 StrategicGreece = 58 VolcanoIsland = 48
VolcanoIsland is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 94 StrategicGreece = 77 Kabix = 66
Kabix is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: StrategicGreece = 119 Biomes = 118
StrategicGreece won!
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 42 Kabix = 40 Europe3v3 = 37 VolcanoIsland = 34 Landria = 26 AseridithIslands = 22 MacedoniaNoSplit = 20 FoglessFighting = 16
FoglessFighting is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 44 Kabix = 42 VolcanoIsland = 39 Europe3v3 = 37 Landria = 28 MacedoniaNoSplit = 24 AseridithIslands = 23
AseridithIslands is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 55 VolcanoIsland = 44 Kabix = 44 Europe3v3 = 37 Landria = 31 MacedoniaNoSplit = 26
MacedoniaNoSplit is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 59 VolcanoIsland = 55 Kabix = 47 Europe3v3 = 39 Landria = 37
Landria is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 73 VolcanoIsland = 69 Kabix = 50 Europe3v3 = 45
Europe3v3 is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: Biomes = 89 VolcanoIsland = 80 Kabix = 68
Kabix is eliminated. Re-distributing its votes
Number of remaining votes for each template: VolcanoIsland = 123 Biomes = 114
VolcanoIsland won!
Final winners: FrenchBrawl, StrategicGreece, VolcanoIsland

Clan Vote Counts

Here’s how many people from each clan voted: Harmony = 29, Myth Busters = 22, Optimum = 20, The Last Alliance = 19, Prime = 18, Danger Close = 9, After_Dark = 9, {101st} = 9, Icelandic Turtles = 8, HAWKS = 8, Huns = 7, [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos = 6, Polish Eagles = 5, M’Hunters = 5, knyte club = 5, Ving = 4, MASTER Clan = 4, Undisputed = 4, KILL ‘EM ALL = 4, Cats = 3, Clan Italia = 3, Partisans = 3, SPARTA = 2, Nestlings = 2, Lions = 2, Flunky Fizzers = 2, Roman Wolves = 1, Varangian Guard = 1, The sleepers = 1, Elephants = 1, OG = 1, CORP = 1, ZUGZWANG = 1, [Blitz] = 1, 7th Heaven = 1, Vikinger = 1, Red Rum = 1, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics = 1, KingKong = 1, Road to Harmony = 1, German Warlords = 1, Lu Fredd = 1, Brothers in Arms = 1, Orcas = 1, Fifth Column Confederation = 1, The Poon Squad = 1, The Connoisseurs = 1, Celtica = 1

Update 5.30.1: Small Update

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.30.1! This update fixes a few bugs and makes other minor improvements to the game. This blog post describes what’s changed.

The update is live now on the website. The iOS, Android, and Standalone apps will skip this update and receive these features in the next update.


  • All: Clan pages now only show the best clan war ranks instead of showing every season.
  • All: Profile pages now show the name of the country flag.
  • All: Resolved feature requests now announce in global chat.
  • All: Fixed clicking “View” on a discussion item taking you to the last page. If you’re viewing a forum post or feature request, it makes more logical sense to take you to the first page so you can see the initial post and have context on what it’s about.
  • All: Fixed clan wars not awarding you a reward that was earned by your clan before you were a contributor.
  • All: Fixed a bug on the common games page where team games versus AI would show the teams incorrectly.
  • All: Fixed “Deleted has deleted their account” clan message.
  • Idle: The auto artifact swapper now swaps in army camp boost artifacts when drafting.
  • Idle: The auto artifact swapper no longer swaps in hospital-related artifacts when you have no hospitals.
  • Idle: Fixed a bug that could make the Dig Sites button not appear when loading your level after switching devices.
  • Idle: Fixed a bug with idle battles caused by switching devices during a battle.
  • Website: Added support for panning the map with touchscreens.
  • Website: Fixed a bug that could make tapping territories with a touchscreen unreliable.
  • Website: Fixed a bug in 3d mode with touchscreens that could make the map not respond after interacting with UI.
  • Website: Fixed a bug that could cause an error when players used certain extended unicode characters as part of their name.
  • Website: Fixed loading a server saved game while signed out causing a reload loop.
  • Website: Fixed the back button on a feature request page going to home page instead of forum page.
  • Classic: Fixed airlift army number not changing its color if you changed a player’s color while looking at an airlift order.
  • Classic: Fixed a bug that could cause an error if you insert too large a value into the time-to-get-booted field.
  • Classic: Fixed mods allowing creating neutral special units.
  • Unity: Fixed idle’s “tap again to open level” message being present when no levels are present in some cases.
  • Android: Fixed notifications requiring two taps to open.
  • API: The CreateGame API now allows inviting AI players to games.

Update 5.30: Clan Wars refresh

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.30.0! This update brings the biggest refresh to Clan Wars since its launch! These changes are now going live with Season 56, which will begin at midnight GMT. This blog post describes what’s changed.

The update is live now on the website and standalone clients. The update will go live on Android and iOS in the coming weeks.

Please Suggest new Clan War Templates

Soon, we’ll hold a poll to see what templates players would like to see added to Clan Wars. If you’d like to suggest a template to be included on the poll, please post it in this thread.

As part of this 5.30 update, Warzone now supports a ranked-choice polling system, so once the official poll is created players will be able to rank the templates in the order they most prefer them. Once poll results are in, we’ll use an instant-runoff voting style to choose which templates to add. I’ll create the poll once the iOS and Android apps are released, so that app users can vote too.

New Clan Wars UI

The user interface to clan wars has been simplified and received new features!
– The leading clans are now shown directly on the clan wars main page. You’ll always know who’s winning without having to dig into the map page.
– A new “recent games” button lets you view all the games that happened in clan wars recently, regardless of which clan they belonged to.
– A new “view all timeslots” button lets you view all of the timeslots that went into a season, so you can easily see what templates players are matching for or what templates were available.
– Each clan can easily now be viewed right off the main page, allowing you to see their recent games and list of players without having to dig into the map page.
– All of the new calculations, like win strength (described below), are clearly shown on a clan’s games list for each day’s worth of games.

Matchmaking Change

The algorithm that Warzone uses to match players within a timeslot is improving. Previously, Warzone used a top-down matchmaking system which would always match the clans with the highest war rating first. Now, Warzone will start by matching clans with the most players queued to that timeslot first, and match them to the clan with the closest rated opponent available.

Based on my experiments, this decreases the likelihood that players will end up without a game by about 20%. Further, the match quality improved slightly, making this algorithm a solid improvement.

Thanks to Doctor K for suggesting this new algorithm, and to FiveSmith for helping me find a bug in my experiments.

Clan Size Increases to 50

All clans that were previously limited to 40 players can now hold up to 50 players! This also applies to new clans created from this point forward. Any clan seeking new players can use the Open Clans feature to bring themselves up to 50 if they’d like to.

Removed Clan Wars Cap

Prior to this update, clans were limited to a 40-player roster for each clan war season. This cap is gone, and now any clanned player can always participate in a clan war game every day.

End-of-day Processing

At midnight GMT, clan wars processes the previous day’s worth of games. During this end-of-day processing, several things happen:
– Rewards are given out, based on the number of wins each clan got. See the rewards screen for details.
– Each clan’s win strength is calculated (see below)
– Each clan’s points are calculated. Points = number of wins * win strength
– Territories on the clan war map are awarded based on the number of points scored
– If all territories on the map are conquered, the season ends and a new season begins

You’ll be able to see which day each clan war game finished in, as the new UI shows off in a clan’s games where the day ended with all the details about the calculations that went into that day.

Seasons now always end at midnight

Clan war seasons will now always end at midnight in the GMT timezone. This is important for fairness. Prior to this update, seasons ended immediately when the last territory was given out on the clan war map. This had notable downsides, such as the later timeslots in a day could be a new season, which players could miss out on if they weren’t awake during the hours of that last timeslot. Having the season aligned with the day schedule eliminates this issue.

Win Strength

Prior to this update, clans who were competing for maximum clan war wins were encouraged to get 40 players playing every day. Some clans found this difficult, so to make that easier, that number is now being reduced to 25. Further, since clans aren’t locked into a roster, it doesn’t even have to be the same 25 players each day like before. This drastically increases the flexibility for clans who are competing for the top ranks.

All clans, regardless of size, can earn up to a theoretical 25 points each day.

Here’s how the win strength is calculated for a single day:
For a clan with 25 or fewer players, the win strength will always be 100%, meaning each win will always be worth 1 point.
For a clan with 25-50 players, where 25 or fewer players participate in clan wars in a day, the win strength will always be 100%.
For a clan with 25-50 players, where more than 25 players participate in a day, the win strength will be calculated as: 25 / NumberOfParticipators
For a legacy uncapped clan with more than 50 players, where (ClanSize – 25) or fewer players participate in a day, win strength is calculated as 25 / (ClanSize – 25). This means that they want (ClanSize – 25) players in their clan to compete to achieve the maximum daily score of 25.

(Note: Just like prior to this update, a “win” in a 2v2 template is actually two wins, since two players won a game that day, but I’m leaving that part out of the above calculations for simplicity)

Estimated points

The official win strength of each clan won’t be known until the end-of-day processing. However, to help show more accurate rankings, the clan wars ranking page will estimate the current day’s win strength and points and add these points into their displayed total. This prevents having to wait until the end of the day to see where your clan stands.

Clicking into a clan’s page will make it clear how many points its showing are real and how many are part of the estimate.

In-season rewards

Previously, rewards were earned mid-season based on the number of territories you conquered on the clan war map. Now, mid-season rewards are earned simply by the number of wins your clan achieves. This makes it easier to understand, and also ensures you can still earn rewards even after all territories on the map are awarded to clans near the end of a season.

The rewards now last 3 weeks instead of 2, and also have increased effects.

Make sure to claim your rewards in a timely fashion, as if you don’t claim them, they’ll expire a month after the season ends.

Monday AMA

This Monday, October 28th at 11am PDT, Fizzer will be doing an Ask-Me-Anything session live on twitch! Feel free to drop in and ask any questions you have, or if you can’t make it, you can post your questions to this thread and view the recording containing your answer after it’s over.

Other Changes

  • Classic: Removed the export-to-youtube-is-new balloon.
  • Classic: Fixed a bug when watching deploys/attacks that could cause them to appear at the wrong scale for 1 frame in some circumstances.

Clan Wars Season 56

As previously announced, Clan Wars is getting a refresh! This refresh will go live with the next season of Clan Wars, season 56. This blog post describes how the refresh will go live, and important information that clan wars players need to know for the transition.

Claim your Rewards ASAP

EDIT: Disregard this section. I found a way to keep old clan rewards claimable.

It’s important that all players claim their in-season rewards before the next Warzone update goes live. After the next update, in-season rewards earned prior to the update will not be claimable anymore. If you claim an in-season reward before the update, it will still apply for its full two weeks even after updating, so just be sure to click the claim button before Season 55 ends or immediately after it ends.

The reason for this is due to a change in the way that in-season rewards are tracked. Today, rewards are tied to a specific territory earned on the clan war map, but starting with season 56, in-season rewards will instead be given out based on the number of wins that the clan members get during the season. Because of this, they’re tracked differently in the database, and therefore old rewards won’t be carried forward into the new rewards.

This doesn’t apply to end-of-season rewards, which will remain claimable even after the update. So you don’t have to worry about those.

Season 55 is shortened

To help expediate the arrival of the new clan wars system, clan wars season 55 will require fewer wins per territory awarded on the map. Since the season ends when the map fills up, giving out territories faster will help the season end more quickly. This is a temporary change just for 55, and we’ll revert back to the normal pace for season 56.

Short break between seasons

Season 56 is planned to begin at midnight GMT, hopefully the day following the end of season 55. Because of this, there may be a period between seasons where no timeslots will be created. Just be aware that, if you don’t see a timeslot where you expect one, it’s only temporary. Once season 56 starts, all timeslots will be created on the same schedule as they are today.

That’s all!

Once the new update goes live, there will be a blog post describing all the details about everything that changed. I hope you’re as excited as I am — see you on the battlefield!

Update 5.29: Voted features & Upcoming Clan Changes

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.29.0! This update adds a bunch of features that were voted on by the community in the new Features Request Forum. This blog post describes what’s changed, and also previews upcoming changes to clans.

This update is live now on the website and standalone apps. The update will come to the Android and iOS apps in the coming weeks.

Voted Features

Recently, Warzone added the new Feature Requests Forum where players can request Warzone features and vote on features requested by others.

Today’s update implements several of your suggestions, such as new premium colors, compensation for idle battles not starting, searching your templates when making tournaments, re-advertising open seats in open games, achievements for defeating players by country, and more! See the change log below to see a full list of changes. All of these features would not have been implemented if it wasn’t for your votes on the Feature Requests Forum, so thank you to everyone who voted, and keep the votes coming!

Upcoming Clan Changes

In a future update, clans and clan wars will receive their first major update since they launched. This update is designed to increase fairness in the competition, be easier to use, and increase the number of players who participate.

– Clan size limit will be increased from 40 to 50.
– Clan wars no longer limits clans to 40 players per season. There is no longer any limit, and any clanned player can participate in one clan war game per day if they choose to. The nickname of this update is “Clan Wars is for Everyone”
– Instead of tracking wins, clan wars will track clan war points, where one win is usually worth one clan war point, but there are some cases where a win might be worth less (see below).
– The maximum number of points that a clan can earn in one day is now 25, down from 40 which is what is possible today. This means, for a clan of 50 or fewer people, you only need 25 people in your clan participating every day to be eligible for the full 25 points (each win is 1 point). This will help more clans be competitive and ease the restrictions on forcing everyone to play every day. For example, if your clan has 30 members, then 5 people are “reserve seats” — they can sit out without harming the team. Best of all, it doesn’t need to be the same 5 every day, so you aren’t locked into a roster like before. This will make it much easier for more clans to compete.
– The maximum number of reserve seats is 25, and points-per-win will be reduced if more people play in a single day. This exists to help bigger clans and smaller clans compete on a fair playing field. For example, if your clan has 50 people and they all play Clan Wars in the same day, then each win is worth 0.5 points, since 25 divided by 50 is 0.5. This means there’s no penalty for having people play, but there’s no benefit either as it just reduces the win strength. If your clan has 75 people and 50 people play in a day, each win is worth also 0.5 points, since you have twice as many players participating as a smaller clan. If your clan has 40 people and they all play in a day, then each win is worth 0.625 points (25/40).
– Clan war seasons will always roll over at midnight GMT. This fixes an issue where, if a clan war season ended in the middle of the day, players in some time zones would be disadvantaged as they could miss the first day of the next season or the last day of the previous season.
– The clan war UI will be updated and overhauled to be easier to use, understand, and explain the new points system in detail.

More details about this will be forthcoming.

Full Change Log

– All: Added new premium colors available for purchase: Goldenrod, Cinnamon, Mahogany, and Rain Forest.
– All: Added links to the features you’ve voted on to profile pages.
– All: Added the option for map designers to exclude some bonuses from assigning territories their bonus color.
– All: When a territory has multiple bonuses assigned with colors, it now picks the bonus with the fewest territories for its stroke color instead of picking one arbitrarily.
– All: Added explanation for clan icon in the player popup, along with a link to the clan by clicking the icon.
– All: When a new mod goes live, it’s now announced in the global chat room.
– Unity: Forums now display the last poster and last post date on the right if the screen is wide enough to fit it.
– Unity: Refactored the way Idle integrates with the main Warzone app. It’s now a tab on the main menu. Removed the option to start up directly in Idle — instead, the app will always start on the main menu and idle can be selected in the lower right corner. Double-tap this tab to launch straight into your most recent level.
– Classic: When an open game expires, the blue box on the lobby now contains a “renew open seats” button for the game creator that will re-list the game on the Open Games tab.
– Classic: Added achievements for defeating a player from different countries or US states.
– Classic: When creating a tournament, you can now filter on templates by typing in their name.
– Classic: Custom scenario games with manual distribution now properly set armies on territories not picked to the value in the custom scenario.
– Classic: Opening a game from the open-games page that just started will now give you a message telling you that the game started without you, instead of leaving players on a fogged map.
– Classic: Cleaned up clock hover dialog so it lines up into columns and looks less messy in big games.
– Classic: Updated quickmatch tutorial to be more clear for new players.
– Classic: Added a balloon to promote the updated Export To YouTube feature. It will only appear once per device.
– Classic: Fixed a bug that could cause an error when clicking history’s “perspective” button when viewing a game from which you were removed by the host.
– Website: Fixed wrapping text on tournament forward invites page.
– Website: Fixed a bug that caused an error if a non-member kept checking the boxes of member-only mods when making a game.
– Idle: If you’re waiting for a battle to start and it doesn’t get enough players to start, you’ll now be awarded 10 battle points as a consolation prize for helping to try and start the battle.
– Idle: Empty mercenary camps are now hidden from the list when loading a level.
– Idle: Battles and challenges are now accessed by buttons on the path instead of tabs.
– Idle: Fixed the auto artifact swapper trying to swap out some artifacts as you’re activating them.

Fizzer AMA on Friday

This Friday, August 23rd at 11am PDT, Fizzer will be doing an Ask-Me-Anything session live on twitch! Feel free to drop in and ask any questions you have, or if you can’t make it, you can post your questions to this thread and view the recording containing your answer after it’s over.

Update 5.28: New video generator

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.28.0! This update completely overhauls the video-generator.

This update is live now on the website and standalone clients. iOS and Android will skip this update and receive the next version, but they can use the new video generator immediately since it’s generated by the website.

New Video Generator

When you finish a multi-player game, Warzone has a “Export to YouTube” button. This button turns your game into a video and uploads it to YouTube.

Prior to this update, the videos that were generated were not very good. The old one simply rendered each turn of your game into an image and then assembled those images into a video.

Now with this update, the videos are fully rendered out in the game engine itself, showing every attack in its gory detail!

Here’s examples of what a new rendered videos can look like:


As you can see, the videos now show the attacks, army numbers, army graph, maps in 3d, and also give the creator options to put text on top of the video, or even add spoken text.

To make it even better, the videos are made much faster to create — the videos above would have taken several minutes before, but instead they were each made in about 30 seconds!

You can render any finished multi-player game, completely for free. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Other Changes

– Classic: When levelling up gives you a new feature request vote, the level up dialog now tells you this.
– Classic: Fixed templates that contain deleted mods.
– Website: Fixed in-line images in feature request forum.
– Website: Fixed enter keypresses inserting newlines in addition to submitting chat messages.
– Website: Fixed defender kill-boxes appearing under the terrain in some 3d maps.
– All: Fixed clan war cache size.
– All: Fixed android push notifications.
– Idle: Idle Battles starting now notifies global chat.
– Unity: Fixed tournament names on multi-player tab.

Update 5.27: Feature Request Forum

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.27.0! This blog post details everything that changed in this update. This update adds the Feature Request Forum, a new place to request features from Warzone!

This update is live now on the website, and will go live on the standalone apps, Android, and iOS in the coming week or two.

Feature Request Forum

Warzone now has a built-in method for players to request new features! By making a post on this new forum, you’re officially requesting that Warzone add your feature to the game. This can be anything from a major new feature to a small tweak. This is your way to influence what features Fizzer, the game’s creator, works on.

Players can also vote on features you’d most like to see implemented. Players have votes based on their level, with votes unlocking at level 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 62, 64, 66, and a bonus vote for members. You can place up to three votes for any one idea. Votes you cast are tied to your Warzone account and are public, so you can always see who voted on each individual feature request.

This forum is designed to replace the UserVoice site that’s been in place for many years. If you have votes in an item on UserVoice you still care about, you should create it on the Features Request Forum and vote on it there.

See the wiki for more details.

Fizzer AMA on Tuesday

Fizzer, the creator of Warzone, will be doing a livestream on twitch on Tuesday, July 9th! Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have, or hang out and learn more about the updates and future plans for Warzone. You can view it at twitch.tv/FizzerWL. It will begin at 11am. Use this link to see the time in your timezone or a countdown.

Other Changes

– All: The previously experimental Combined Player Strings feature is now the default. Also added some space between items when using it.
– Website: When on UJS pages, the browser’s “back” button now properly takes you back to the previous UJS page. Note that the browser’s “forward” button is still not supported in UJS pages.
– Website: On the experimental settings page, added a “keep alive” option that plays a blank wav file on loop whenever a game or socket is open, to prevent browsers from deactivating the tab.
– Website: When in 3d mode, things look less fuzzy and more crisp.
– Website: When in 3d mode, fixed seams that appeared in the background of some map textures.
– Website: The clan wars seasons list are now link-enabled so you can open them in new tabs.
– Website: The magnifying lenses next to player names, such as on a clan page, are now link-enabled so you can open them on new tabs.
– Website: When pressing the enter button on a input field, such as the attack/transfer dialog, it now responds on keyup instead of keydown. This fixes a bug where if you changed your armies immediately before pressing enter, it may not register the army change.
– Website: Fixed a bug that made account-less single-player classic progress not migrate to new account upon creation.
– Unity: Downvoted forum threads are now visible at the bottom, similar to how the website has always worked.
– Classic: Fixed the “AI” icon next to a player name getting stuck in the wrong state.
– Idle: Added a “Sync” button when playing idle on the website, located under your name in the upper right corner.
– Idle: Adjusted values of the active artifacts Discount Mine, Discount Army Camp, and Discount Hospital so that the high end values don’t go over 100% and therefore have meaning.
– Idle: Fixed the artifact swapper swapping in upgrading artifacts.
– Idle: Fixed the artifact swapper not swapping in discount army camps when upgrading super camp.
– Idle: Fixed hospitals showing infinity time to upgrade when reward reduces hospital upgrade time to zero while they’re already upgrading.