Clan Wars Season 1

Season 1 of Clan Wars will kick off on Tuesday at midnight UTC (this is Monday evening for those in negative timezones, like North America.) See this link for your local timezone or for a countdown.

See the Clan Wars announcement if you missed it.

To participate, you just need to be in a clan, and show up at one of the 4 timeslots each day. The timeslots are:

– Midnight UTC
– 6am UTC
– Noon UTC
– 6pm UTC

You can only play one game per day, so pick the time that works best for you, show up, pick the template you want to play, and then play a real-time game.

The season will end when its clan war map, Final Earth, is filled.

Ask Fizzer Anything

I’ll be doing an Ask-Me-Anything livestream on twitch on Tuesday afternoon, likely sometime around 3pm at and then watch the answer in the video after it finishes.


As noted in the previous blog post, the first seasons of Clan Wars will have modest rank rewards. The rewards, notably the coin values, will increase as participation rises.

Territory Rewards: Rewards received immediately when your clan earns the required number of territories
– 1 territory: Alloy sell values increased by 10% for two weeks
– 2 territories: Mercenaries are 10% cheaper for two weeks
– 3 territories: Item sell values increased by 10% for two weeks
– 4 territories: Reduced artifact cooldown time by 30% for two weeks
– 6 territories: Army camps boosted by 40% in challenge levels for two weeks
– 10 territories: Armies recieved from caches increased by 10% for two weeks
– 15 territories: Reduced artifact dig times by 20% for two weeks
– 20 territories: AP received from levels increased by 15% for two weeks
– 25 territories: Attacks against you in idle battles reduced by 20% for two weeks

Rank Rewards: Rewards received at the end of the season based on your clan’s final rank.
– 1st: 2000 coins distributed evenly among your clan, 1 rare artifact, 1 of every Idle power
– 2nd: 1000 coins distributed evenly among your clan, 1 rare artifact, 1 multi-level power
– 3rd – 5th: 500 coins distributed evenly among your clan, 2 uncommon artifacts, 2 time warp powers
– 6th – 10th 100 coins distributed evenly among your clan, 1 uncommon artifact, 1 free cache power
– 10th – 20th: 1 uncommon artifact, 1 free cache power

Good luck!

Update 5.10: Clan Wars

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.10.0! This update adds a new feature called Clan Wars, as well as fixing up a few bugs and other smaller improvements. This blog post describes what’s changed.

The website and standalone clients have been updated to this version now. The Android and iOS apps will be updated within the next week or so.

Clan Wars

Clan Wars gives you a way to compete for your clan’s glory, as well as for prizes such as free coins and idle rewards. The competitions will take place in Warzone Classic games played in real-time on a variety of templates.

Here’s how it works:

Every day is divided up into several timeslots. For example, there might be a timeslot every 4 hours (midnight, 4am, 8am, noon, 4pm, 8pm). Each player can choose the timeslot that works best for them. Simply show up at whichever timeslot you wish and you will be given a choice of what template you want to play.

After selecting your template, you’ll get matched in a real-time game against an opposing clan. The winner gets a Clan War Win (CWW) assigned to their clan. If your clan gets enough CWWs, your clan will be rewarded with a territory on the Clan War Map.

You can only play one Clan War game per day, so choose the timeslot that works best for your schedule. The number of timeslots per day will start off small, but as more people participate in Clan Wars we can increase the frequency of timeslots to increase convenience.

The number of templates options per timeslot is dynamic based on historic demand for that timeslot. If lots of people are playing in a timeslot, more template options will be available, but if very few are then it might only have a single option.

Clan War Map

Instead of a leaderboard, Clan War season progress is visualized by having a giant map. Clans who win games are rewarded by getting a territory on the Clan War Map in their color. Subsequent territories a clan earns will be placed nearest to their first one, so clans will expand out in a circle over time.

The winner of the season is simply the clan with the most territories on the map.

While the exact territories and bonuses don’t have any strategic meaning, it’s advantageous to have a map instead of a simple list because it helps visualize how well clans are doing compared to others by seeing how big their circle is. It also makes it easier to visualize how much time is left in the season simply by how filled the map is.

Since clans are expanding outwards as circles, if they bump into another clan it will create visually interesting patterns, which will help visualize how the Clan War went for each clan. If a clan has a lot of success early, they might have a big uninterrupted circle, whereas if a clan had success late in the Clan War, their territories might be more scattered as they filled in gaps around the map.

Another advantage is that each season can be played on a different Warzone map. Sometimes you’re conquering the world, sometimes Europe, etc. In addition to your clan starting from a different part of the map each time, this helps make each season feel unique.


In designing Clan Wars, a lot of effort was put into making sure that it’s fun for everyone who participates. In a traditional ladder, I feel it’s a lot of fun for the top 10%, who are competing for a high rank, but pretty bland for the majority. For players in the bottom half, their rank more has to do with how many participants there are instead of their actions.

To accomplish this, Clan War rewards are divided into two categories:

  • Rewards for achieving a high rank
  • Rewards for conquering a certain number of territories

While only the best strategic minds will qualify for the high-rank rewards, the number-of-territory rewards should be achievable by clans of all skill levels. For example:

Rank rewards:

  • 1st place: 10,000 coins, an Epic Artifact, 1 of every Power
  • 2nd place: 2,000 coins, a Rare Artifact, Multi-Level Power
  • 3rd-5th place: Rare Artfiact, Inspire Mercenaries Power
  • 6th-10th place: 2x Uncommon Artifacts, 2x Time Warp Powers
  • 10th-20th place: Uncommon Artifact, Free Cache Power

Territory rewards: (edit: effects last for two weeks)

  • 1+ territories: Alloys sell for 10% more
  • 2+ territories: Mercenaries are 10% cheaper
  • 3+ territories: Items sell for 10% more
  • 4+ territories: Army camps give 20% more armies in levels
  • 6+ territories: 30% faster artifact cooldown
  • 10+ territories: Challenge level army camps give 40% more armies
  • 15+ territories: 10% more armies from caches
  • 20+ territories: 20% faster dig times
  • 25+ territories: 15% more AP from levels
  • 30+ territories: Battle attacks against you reduced by 20%

In addition to these rewards, all players who participate in a Clan War season will get a free Idle cache at the end of the season. The size of the cache goes up based on the number of territories your clan conquers.

These rewards will likely be tweaked between seasons to accomodate clan performance. Also, the first season(s) may have lowered rewards since participation in Clan Wars will grow over time.

What about Clan League?

Clan League is a player-run clan competition that has been going for many years. Clan League does a fantastic job, and in fact, part of the reason it took so long for Warzone to get a clan competition is because Clan League set the bar so high.

Clan Wars is designed to complement Clan League. In fact, I believe Clan Wars will only help Clan League become even more popular, as Clan Wars could be a stepping stone for it. Here’s why they complement each other so well, and don’t compete:

  • Clan League is completely multi-day games, whereas Clan Wars uses only real-time games.
  • Clan League has narrow sign-up windows which means you need to plan ahead, often by months, to participate. Clan Wars can be participated in the same day you discover it.
  • Clan League uses advanced strategic templates, whereas Clan Wars uses Warzone’s most popular templates.
  • Clan League requires coordinating with a clan manager and lots of prep work. Clan Wars is can be played by anyone in a clan with just a couple clicks.

When will it start?

The first season will be kicked off in a week or so — the exact date will be announced in a new blog post. We need to wait for 5.10 to be available on all app stores so that app users can participate, hence the delay.

We may, however, play a small test season before that with website users only. But it won’t have any rewards or count for anything.

Closing Remarks

Only 40 players from each clan can participate in a single Clan War season. If you’re in a clan with tons of players, you’ll have to either be one of the first 40 to join each season or join a smaller clan if you want to participate.

Clan Wars are accessible on the website under Community, and in the mobile app under the top right button. The Clan Wars button will glow when a timeslot is active and you’re eligible to join it. Players are eligible to join if they’re in a clan, haven’t already played a Clan War game today, and you clan hasn’t already reached the 40 player limit.

It’s important to note that Clans are a feature that spans across both games (Classic & Idle). Therefore, Clan Wars is similarly game-agnostic. One of the goals of Clan Wars is to help draw Idle players into Classic more. In the future, I hope to add competitions that involve idle in some way.

I hope that Clan Wars helps fill the niche of real-time competitive play that has been lacking since the real-time ladder was retired.

See you on the battlefield!

Other changes in this update

– Idle: Added new battle targeting mode: Fewest unconquered armies.
– Idle: The names of army camps and markets are now shown in the Inspection panel at the bottom.
– Idle: The powers tab now shows the quantity of that power that you have next to the button instead of on it.
– Idle: Fixed ascention counting past level wins.
– Idle: Fixed a bug that could cause an error when claiming an artifact when the artifacts dialog was open.
– Idle: Fixed army camps and mines sort being incorrect when they were first conquered.
– Idle: Fixed the victory dialog going off the bottom of the screen.
– All: Updated rules to be clear that using multiple accounts in clan wars is forbidden.
– All: When inviting players to your clan, your friends list is now paginated.
– Classic: Increased maximum coin entry fee for games from 2000 to 20000
– Classic: Surrender notification is no longer sent for instant surrender games.
– Classic: Fixed coin games without an entry fee not showing up as coin games on the Open Games page.
– Classic: Fixed text when making rematch of coin game.
– Classic: Fixed games saying “view final turn” when they really only had unread chat.
– Classic: Fixed friends being removed a game on the invite screen when you switch pages of your friends list.
– Classic: Fixed error that occurred if winning team of a coin game included an AI.
– Classic: Fixed error when clicking rematch on a quickmatch 1-coin entry fee game.
– Unity: Fixed the top right menu so that it scrolls if you don’t have room to fit the entire thing.
– Website: Fixed ad free play duration after coin purchase.

Update 5.09.1

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.09.1! This is a small update as a follow-up to yesterday’s update, which fixes a few bugs and re-generates Warzone Idle levels. This blog post describes what’s changed.

The website and standalone clients have been updated to this version now. The Android and iOS apps will be updated within the next week or so.


– Idle: All levels we re-generated. This could cause costs, asset locations, recipes, etc. to be changed slightly. If you were in the middle of playing a level when you update to this version, you’ll keep playing the old version of the level. But all new levels started after updating will be on the new version of the level. For those keeping track at home, these new versions of the levels are called revision 15. Note if you start a new version of a level, then switch to a device using an older version of Warzone Idle, you won’t be able to play it there. Please update all your devices to the latest version to avoid this.
– Idle: Increased bonus income to be more in line with what people were used to in revision 13.
– Idle: Added template “Small Earth Commander and Bomb Card” to arenas.
– Idle: Fixed techs button buttons from disappearing in battles if you lose all of your mines.
– Website: Fixed error when loading single player custom game while signed out.
– Classic: Fixed public tournament with 0 entry fee and 0 extra coins not charging the creation cost.

Update 5.09: Coin game updates, tournament filter

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.09.0! This blog post describes what’s changed.

The website and standalone clients have been updated to this version now. The Android and iOS apps will be updated within the next week or so.

Coin Games

It’s now possible to create coin games directly in the Create Game page instead of having to use a special dedicated Create Coin Game page.

When creating a multi-player game, if you have at least 3 coins you’ll now see a new section labeled “Coin Settings”. Here you can specify whether your game is a coin game or not. Prior to this update, creating a coin game required going to a special Create Custom Coin Game page on the website which was confusing and didn’t allow for modifying your game settings directly on that page.

This method uses the exact same coin structure and settings restrictions as what was previously possible under the “Custom Coin Games” page.

In addition to specifying the entry fee in this new section, it’s now possible to donate additional coins to the winner of your game. This works just like how it has always worked for tournaments, except at the game level. this also means that now, for the first time, it’s possible to have free-to-enter coin games, just like tournaments.

App and Website Parity

By adding the coin game controls directly into the Create Game page, it also means that now the iOS/Android app can create coin games! This feature was previously only possible on the website.

This takes us one step closer to my long-standing goal to have feature parity between the mobile app and the website. We’re not there yet, but every step brings us closer. You may remember the previous update brought clan management features into the app, and late last year the app gained the ability to browse achievements. I also make sure new features work in both places, which is part of this goal.

It’s a valuable goal since there are actually more users of the app than the website, and I expect that it will only skew even more towards mobile in the future.

Filter Eliminated Tournaments

When you browse to the “My Tournaments” section of the app or website, it will no longer show you tournaments that you’ve been eliminated from, or round-robin tournaments where you’ve completed all of your games.

Prior to this update, it would show you all tournaments that you joined that were still active, even if you personally were no longer active in them.

You can still find these tournaments by going to the Past Tournaments section.

This is an improvement to the page as it helps keep only the tournaments you care about around on the page.

Other Changes

– Classic: Increased maximum size of public tournaments from 256 to 512 players.
– Classic: The My Games section now shows “View Final Turn” for games that you haven’t viewed the last turn of.
– Classic: Clicking a neutral during territory picking no longer highlights the green territories. Instead, if you do it too much, it now pops up a message telling you to pick the green territories to help newbies figure out what to do.
– Classic: Fixed clock hover dialog from opening and closing rapidly in games with lots of players.
– All: The clan chat announcement when a player joins an open clan now links to their name so you can view their profile easier.
– All: When a player joins a new clan while in an existing one, it now sends a message to the old clan’s chat room so it can be seen that they left.
– Unity/UJS: Made subtle graphical improvements to many different parts of the UI.
– Idle: Added battle targeting option for “Fewest unconquered armies”. It will be enabled once the update is rolled out to all platforms.
– Idle: Auto-conquer no longer causes the conquered territory to appear in the inspect area at the bottom. This helps make battles less chaotic.
– Idle: The Powers and Advancements tabs now have a maximum width to keep them from stretching too much on big screens.
– Idle: Fixed floating red number that would appear in the rare case that you could afford a tech via resource caches before conquering your first mine.
– Idle: You now get an explanation if you try to use a Skip Level power while you have all levels unlocked.
– Unity: Added support for a new custom map format that will improve the layering graphical glitches. It will be enabled in the future.
– Unity: Removed the “Keep me signed in” checkbox when signing in by email. It will always keep you signed in until you click Sign Out.
– UJS: Added word-break to fix clans with long words from pushing their text off the screen.
– Website: Fixed errant Real-Time Ladder tab on the Community dashboard.

Update 5.08: Clan updates

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.08.0! This update makes a bunch of improvements to clans and also fixes a bunch of bugs and rough edges. This blog post describes what’s changed.

The website and standalone clients have been updated to this version now. The Android and iOS apps will be updated within the next week or so.

Open Clans

One of the most common questions I see from new Warzone players is: “How do I join a clan?” Prior to this update, there was never a very good answer.

Now, we have a solution! Clan managers can open their clan by selecting the new “Open Clan” button on the clan page. When your clan is open, any Warzone player you don’t have on your block list will be allowed to join your clan by visiting your clan page and clicking Join Clan.

In addition, there’s a new “Join a Clan” button that appears under your name in the top right on the website, or by clicking the head button in the top right corner of the mobile app. Clicking “Join a Clan” presents you a list of all open clans, so you can pick one you’d like and join it right away.

This will enable many more people to get involved in clans and the Warzone community who found it unapproachable before.

Open clans will automatically close after 30 days. Any manager can re-open it after the 30 days passes if you want it to stay open longer. This is just done to ensure the open clan list stays fresh and doesn’t list clans that aren’t active anymore.

Open clans will also automatically close if they reach 40 players. Clans with more than 40 players can’t be opened, as it’s better to encourage having a variety of clans rather than a few enormous ones.

Clan Recovery

If a clan creator is no longer in their clan, or loses manager rights for any reason, they can now recover their manager rights by clicking the new “Recover Clan” button on the clan’s page.

Other Clan Improvements

All clan management features have been added to the mobile app! This means that clan creators and managers who use the app can now manage their clan without switching to the website.

When inviting players to your clan, you can now search for players by name instead of requiring them to be added to your friends list first.

As a clan manager, when removing players from your clan, it now shows if the player is inactive which makes it easy to trim out players who don’t play anymore.

The main clan page on the website, as well as the clan management pages, have been updated to use the UJS-powered equivilant pages. This helps when adding new features to clans since we won’t have duplicate functionality between the app and website.

Reduced the price of creating a new clan by 33%. Newly created clans are now limited to 40 players. Clans created before this update continue to have no limit.

Battle Indicator

When playing Idle, it now checks periodically to see if a battle is starting. If one is, and you’re eligible to join it, an icon will appear on the map to notify you about it. This helps players know when they can join a battle rather then expecting them to remember what time they start and visit the main menu at that time.

Also related to battles: There’s now a checkbox in the app settings that lets you disable the balloons that come up during battles to let you know you earned an attack.

Other Changes

– Idle: Fixed artifacts saying they had a 24 hour cooldown when they really had a 16 hour cooldown.
– Idle levels 14: All levels we re-generated. This could cause costs, asset locations, recipes, etc. to be changed slightly. If you were in the middle of playing a level when you update to this version, you’ll keep playing the old version of the level. But all new levels started after updating will be on the new version of the level. For those keeping track at home, these new versions of the levels are called revision 14. Note if you start a new version of a level, then switch to a device using an older version of Warzone Idle, you won’t be able to play it there. Please update all your devices to the latest version to avoid this.
– Idle levels 14: Techs are now much cheaper.
– Idle levels 14: Removed a duplicate bonus in Reconquest and Rise and Fall levels.
– Idle levels 14: Tweaked economy so its growth is less exponential over the course of a level. This should help keep items relevant for longer instead of being immediately replaced in value as soon as the next item is unlocked.
– Idle levels 14: Tweaked quantity of ingredients to smelters/crafters.
– Idle: Sorted the resources shown for each recipe in the Change Recipe dialog so that it’s consistent with other places within the app.
– Idle: Changed border color of techs you can afford from green to red to aid people with color blindness.
– Idle: Fixed the bottom tabs not being able to open far enough, and sometimes not being able to scroll to the bottom, on small phones in landscape orientation.
– Idle: Fixed text centering on the active dig area label.
– Idle: Fixed the idle app being able to join tournaments or open games, since they’d have no way to recall those games in the future. It now tells you to join them on the main Warzone app.
– Idle: Fixed the recipe stats dialog so it maintains your sort while clicking Refresh.
– Idle: Removed the autopilot button from non-members in the Idle app since the Idle app doesn’t have the ability to purchase membership.
– Idle: Removed the bonus level as it was a temporary feature.
– Idle: Fixed showing bonuses that had no rewards in the territory inspection.
– Idle: Fixed battles showing the wrong message if they fill up without you in them.
– Idle: Fixed “defeat all levels twice” achievement.
– Idle: Increased cost of buying from markets slightly.
– Idle: Hid player levels in Warzone Idle app since they have no meaning there.
– All: Fixed the “could not connect” message when your client was out of date instead of the correct message telling you to update.
– All: Fixed paging on pages like Open Games and My Games: when going to a later page and later returning when there are fewer items, it will now reset you to the first page rather than be empty.
– All: Fixed sign in with Facebook on Classic and Idle apps not signing into the same Warzone account.
– Classic: Improved the spacing and sizes of elements along the top bar of the main game to make everything space better for small phones in portrait mode.
– Map design: If a new map has multiple bonuses that define the exact same territories, it will now notify you of this and let you fix it before submitting.
– Map design: If a new map has multiple issues preventing it from being valid, the game will now list all of them instead of just the first one that was found.
– Unity: Lightened the color of blue links in discussion pages to make it easier to read.
– Unity: Fixed a bug that could make the clan chat room not recognize when you changed clans.
– Unity: Fixed team round-robin brackets so they don’t go off the top or bottom of the screen.
– Website: Fixed a bug with establishing a password for a Facebook account via the website.
– Website: Removed Facebook links from profile pages since they didn’t work anymore due to Facebook privacy changes.
– UJS: Fixed bonus links being slightly off-center.
– iOS: Fixed ad position on iPhone 12.
– iOS: Fixed crash that sometimes happened when rotating the device.
– iOS: Fixed sign in with apple on Warzone Classic and Warzone Idle not signing into the same Warzone account.


It’s time to perform a few clean-up tasks in Warzone that are long overdue. Today, a new version of Warzone is being released to the website that cleans up a few odds and ends that aren’t needed anymore, improves a few things, and upgrades the versions of a few components. This blog post describes everything that changed.


Removing the real-time ladder: The Real-Time ladder was deprecated back in 2018, and now it’s been completely removed. The real-time ladder was a great addition to WarLight back in the day as it brought several new concepts, such as a game creation system with multiple templates, a real-time matchmaking system, and a way to adjust a player’s rating in real-time rather than hours later as the other ladders do. However, it had major flaws such as the concept of joining/leaving rather than simply requesting a game, being website-only and never being integrated into the app, and overwhelming new players with too many template choices instead of introducing them slowly. When Quickmatch was created, it pulled from the best parts of the real-time ladder while simultaneously fixing its major flaws. Today, Quickmatch accounts for the majority of Warzone games played, and it has the lessons learnt from the real-time ladder to thank for its success.

Removed automatic friends setting: Back when WarLight was new, the only way to play a game was to invite people to a game directly. There was no concept of matchmaking or open games. It did have an “invite list” — a list of people you could easily invite to a game. Back then, it made sense to automatically add people you played with to this list so you could easily play with them again. Years later this list was renamed to the friends list, but the auto-add system remained for some reason (although it could be toggled off). Today, it’s finally gone, which should have been done years ago. The only way to get someone on your friends list is to click the “+Friend” button on their profile, or if you invite a new player to a game via the “invite by email” tab it will start you as each other’s friend. In addition to removing this feature, I’m pruning back the friends list of inactive accounts to help clean up the database, as the friends list takes a considerable amount of space and I imagine that most of it isn’t needed. If you want to clean up your friends list, check this page and note there is a “bulk removal” option if it’s too big to remove them one by one.

Shutting down the old Kongregate app: The multi-player WarLight Kongregate app is no longer available. The single-player one remains available if you can run it, as it doesn’t require server support so there’s no need to shut it down. Of course, both ran in Flash which is no longer supported by Adobe, so I’m not sure anyone still uses these.

Removing support for the WarLight iOS/Android app: The old non-Unity iOS/Android app is no longer supported and will cease functioning for multi-player or any features that require talking to the server. I’m not aware of anyone that actually still uses this, but in case someone does they should upgrade to the Warzone app.

Removing support for Warzone versions more than 2 months old: If you haven’t been updating your app for some reason, now is the time to update since the old version won’t be able to talk to the Warzone server anymore. It will get a message saying it’s out of date and needs to be updated. It’s important to retire old versions from time to time since they have bugs that were fixed long ago, and I often get contacted by people reporting bugs for which my answer is along the lines of “update your app, that bug was fixed over a year ago.”

No-Income games: In games where you have 0 armies to deploy, the client will now default you into attack mode instead of deployment mode. This helps out new players who haven’t quite figured out how to switch modes yet, as sometimes newbies would get stuck on the “A different approach” level as that’s the first level where you have 0 income.

Unity Upgrade: Once a year, we have to go through a Unity major version upgrade to stay on a supported version. This release upgrades us from 2018.4 to 2019.4. If all goes well, you won’t notice any differences, but it is cause to roll out the next version of the app slowly just in case anything breaks.

Flash: The Flash Warzone client still lives! While this would be a good time to remove it, I have no quarrels with leaving it up for now. Although Adobe has officially killed off Flash, and I’m not even aware of any way to get the Warzone flash client to run, I have heard that there are some tools that allow the running of Flash apps. I haven’t tried them myself, but if anyone finds a way to get them to work with Warzone, please let me know. I did have to re-write a lot of my internal automated tests though, since I still had tests that verified Warzone’s codebase through the Flash client. But now they’ve all been ported to test the Unity client, so we’re fully free of any dependence on Flash.

Removed old Flash settings: There were a few account-level settings that could be changed that only affected the Flash client, such as the “Change Deployment Slider” and “Skip Begin Click”. These were accessible by link on the website but weren’t linked to from anywhere. Since they only affected the Flash client, they’ve been removed, and the Flash client uses the more “power user” default such as to always show the deployment slider and always skip the begin click.

Testing Maps Revert: If a map version has been in “Testing” mode for more than 6 months, it will now automatically revert back to “Development” mode. This is necessary to help keep the database clean as testing maps take up more space. Sometimes map developers would forget to clean up their old maps when they were done testing so they’ve been accumulating for more than a decade now.

Duplicate Maps Delete: If a map version in development mode is identical to another map version, it will be automatically deleted after 3 months. This is necessary since sometimes map developers duplicate a version and then forget about it. If it’s identical, there’s no harm in deleting one of the duplicates.

.net standard: Warzone is written in C#, and since it’s existed since 2008 it’s still built against the .net framework while the rest of the world is moving to .net core. As part of this cleanup task, parts of the Warzone code were ported to .net standard to help ensures the code stays modern.

Update 5.07.10

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.07.10! This update makes some improvements to many different areas of both games. This blog post describes what’s changed.

The website and standalone clients have been updated to this version now. The Android and iOS apps will be updated within the next week.


– Idle: Added “Unclaimed Powers” button to the bottom of the mines tab that shows you all powers on the map that are waiting for you to claim them.
– Idle: Added “Un-dug dig sites” button to the bottom of the mines tab that shows you all dig sites in the current level that you’ve conquered but not yet started to dig.
– Idle: All levels we re-generated. This could cause costs, asset locations, recipes, etc. to be changed slightly. If you were in the middle of playing a level when you update to this version, you’ll keep playing the old version of the level. But all new levels started after updating will be on the new version of the level. For those keeping track at home, these new versions of the levels are called revision 13. Note if you start a new version of a level, then switch to a device using an older version of Warzone Idle, you won’t be able to play it there. Please update all your devices to the latest version to avoid this.
– Idle: Removed one-territory bonuses from the levels Roads of Silk and Iron, Rise and Fall, Ursa:Luna, Sengoku, and Asia: Population Density. Also removed the “Asia” bonus from War Of the Worlds, and overlapping bonuses on Reconquest.
– Idle: Decreased ore given from low-level mines to encourage upgrading them.
– Idle: Decreased crafter profitability in a few levels.
– Idle: Dig sites and arenas can now appear earlier in levels.
– Idle: Tuned formula that determines how expensive techs are.
– Idle: Tuned challenge levels. Expect them to be more difficult now.
– Idle: Increased autoconquer limit.
– Idle: Increased battle attack strength.
– Idle: Added a help button next to artifacts for newbies that explain how they work.
– Idle: Fixed a bug that could cause an error in challenge levels when capturing an enemy smelter.
– Idle: Fixed money/sec not showing up for territories when it was below 0.5
– Idle: Fixed market raid powers appearing in levels that have no markets.
– Idle: Improved syncing of battle rewards to try and mitigate loss of reward when playing on multiple devices.
– All: Names in the chat room now only show the first 20 characters to prevent long names from messing up the layout.

Update 5.07.9

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.07.9! This update makes some improvements to many different areas of both games. This blog post describes what’s changed.

The website and standalone clients have been updated to this version now. The Android apps will be updated within the next week. The iOS apps will be updated early next year, as Apple doesn’t allow updating apps over the holidays so we have to wait for them.

Artifacts Improvement

All activatable artifacts now have a 16 hour cooldown instead of 24 hours. That makes them all immediately 1/3rd more powerful!

Idle Battle Improvements

Warzone’s newest feature, Battles, is getting a bunch of improvements in this update.

First, your current place (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) is now always printed in the top left corner so it’s easier to tell how you’re doing. While you could determine this before by opening the battle panel on the right side, it required counting the number of spaces you were from the top. This wasn’t easy to do in the heat of battle, and it was even more difficult on mobile where the battle panel was usually closed. So having this update in real-time makes it easy to see how your actions modify your standing.

Second, the way attack sizes are calculated was overhauled. Prior to this update, when someone attacks you, it used your armies/sec value as the basis for determining how many armies it took to re-capture the territories you lost in the attack. With this update, it will not look at your armies/sec value and instead will base the attack size purely off of how much time has passed in the battle. While this may seem like a subtle change, it actually has a profound effect on the strategy used in battles. Now, getting a higher armies/sec will be much more beneficial than prior to this update.

Finally, many bugs and glitches have been fixed in battles so it should be a smoother, more reliable experience. Once it undergoes more testing, the plan is to eventually increase the frequency of battles to more than once per hour. Happy battling!

App Settings to Website

When on a UJS page, such as Idle or a multi-player game, you’ll now find a “App Settings” menu option to the account drop-out in the top right (click on your name). This allows configuring many settings that were previously only available on mobile, such as the ability to turn off balloons in the idle game, turn off grouped attacks in the classic game, or to adjust the volume of the sound effects.

Other Changes

– Idle: The auto-smelt advancement will now activate smelters/crafters that were deactivated. This means it can start smelting/crafting a new smelter or crafter for you without you having to do it yourself.
– Idle: Super camp upgrades now show a red number in the bottom left corner if it’s unlocked and you can afford to upgrade it.
– Idle: Trying to start a level more than 3 above your highest completed level now gives you a message asking if you’re sure you want to skip so many levels. Some players were skipping a lot then complaining about how slow it was since they were missing so many advancements.
– Website: Added custom description of pages for multi-player games, map preview, tournaments, and template links. This will allow services that pull in description, such as Discord, to display proper text under their links. Thanks to ps for suggesting this.
– Unity: Added option in the settings to censor inappropriate words in game names and chat messages.
– Classic: When inspecting a territory in a team game, it now shows the team of the player who controls the territory.

Warzone Idle dedicated app now live!

Warzone Idle now has a dedicated iOS and Android app! These apps are going live today, December 17th.

To celebrate their launch, these apps have a bonus level which is only playable in the dedicated Warzone Idle app! This bonus level only takes about 20 minutes to complete, and it can be played concurrently with your existing Warzone Idle levels.

The bonus level rewards players with 30 AP and it also has a multi-level power on it! So if you are playing Warzone Idle today, you’ll want to install the app to get your free bonus. The procedure is simple: Just install the new app, then sign in to your existing Warzone account, and you’ll find the bonus level on the main menu. If you haven’t signed up for a Warzone account yet, be sure to do that first so that you can sign into the same account in both apps.

Here are the links to install it: iOS app / Android app

Update 5.07.4

Warzone has just been updated to version 5.07.4! This is a small release to fix a few bugs and tweak battles a bit. This blog post describes what’s changed.

The website has been updated to this version now. The Android and iOS apps will get this version over the next week or so.


– Battles: Reduced neutral armies created from attacks by 15%.
– Battles: Random sorting of players now re-randomizes after you attack. This keeps a single player from getting too many targets if someone is using random attack mode.
– Battles: Removed the “Most AP” targeting option. This keeps a single player from getting too many targets as targeting should be something that changes throughout the game.
– Battles: Added a note on the battles page that battles require a solid internet connection.
– Battles: Fixed a bug that made assets, such as mines/smelters/armycamps, not be removed when they were attacked.
– Battles: Fixed a bug that could let someone who was partially disconnected persist in the battle.
– Idle: Fixed a bug if you tried to use hospital upgrade artifact to upgrade a hospital that was already upgrading.
– UJS: Fixed a bug that could cause scrollable regions to scroll to the top on their own.