New Tournaments UI Sneak Peek

I’ve been working on updating the Tournaments section of WarLight. Here’s a sneak peek at a prototype of a single-elimination tournament page:

Here are a few of the highlights:

  • The borders you see in this screenshot are resizable, or can be clicked to be collapsed completely. This is a way to give more space for the tournament bracket when you need it, and it’s far more flexible than the current “hide players list” button.
  • Clan tags are now shown next to players, and players link to their profile pages
  • In team tournaments, you can hover over a team’s name to see a list of all the players in that team
  • The page is coded entirely in html/javascript (no Flash). This means you can do things like right-click on a link and select “Open in new tab”, which isn’t possible today. It also means the page will load faster, allow Ctrl+F for searching, copy/paste by selecting, etc.
  • In Round Robin tournaments, the line that connects two players will be shaded green on the winner’s side and red on the loser’s. This makes it easy to see if someone has been winning or losing a lot by how much green/red is near them
  • The Players tab shows how many wins and losses each player has, even for in-progress tournaments. This makes it easier to see how a tournament is going while it’s in progress, especially round-robins.
  • When inviting players to a tournament, you can search for people by name, even if they’re not on your friends list. It also allows you to invite based on clan.

What do you think?

Coin leaderboard season 1 winner: Krzychu!

Congratulations to Krzychu for winning the first ever season of the coin leaderboard and taking home the $150 prize!

Nine other players also received prizes. You can view all of the winners (and losers) on the Season One page.

For season 2, we are expanding the prizes to encompass the top 20 players instead of the top 10. This means there will be twice as many winners! The new prize structure for season 2 looks like this:

  • 1st place: 15,000 coins ($150)
  • 2nd place: 4,000 coins
  • 3rd place: 2,500 coins
  • 4th place: 1,500 coins
  • 5th place: 1,000 coins
  • 6th place: 450 coins
  • 7th place: 425 coins
  • 8th place: 400 coins
  • 9th place: 375 coins
  • 10th place: 350 coins
  • 11th place: 325 coins
  • 12th place: 300 coins
  • 13th place: 275 coins
  • 14th place: 250 coins
  • 15th place: 225 coins
  • 16th place: 200 coins
  • 17th place: 175 coins
  • 18th place: 150 coins
  • 19th place: 125 coins
  • 20th place: 100 coins

Seeason 2 is already underway — all coin games played now will automatically be added to season 2. You just need to win 300 coins to qualify for a rank on the leaderboard. Good luck!

NOTE: Due to a technical limitation, the prizes that appear on the website for season 2 are currently showing the old season 1 prizes. However, this is a bug, and the prizes for season 2 will actually be what are listed above. This will be corrected in the next website update.

Last day for Season 1 of the coin leaderboard!

The first season of the coin leaderboard is almost over! For the final 24 hours of the season, the leaderboard is dark, meaning that the coins won by each player are hidden from view. Instead, it simply shows the number of coins that player won when the leaderboard went dark.

Once the season is over, the real values will be revealed to everyone, and the prizes will be awarded immediately.

Also during the final 24 hours, real-time versions of the 1990, 4950, and 9900 coin games are now be available! These games are normally only available as multi-day, but for the final 24 hours of the season they can be played real-time. Just a few wins of the big game might be enough to take first place! Good luck!

Update 3.6: Jump to top/bottom order buttons, clan forum preview

WarLight has just been updated to version 3.06.0! This blog post describes what’s changed.

Jump to top/bottom order buttons

When moving orders up/down in the order list, there are two new buttons that allow moving orders directly to the very top or bottom of the list:

Clicking the double up or double down arrow buttons is equivalent to clicking the up or down arrow buttons an infinite number of times. This saves a lot of time in games where you have lots of orders, as it could be time consuming to move orders up one at a time.

Order List Multi-Select

This is not a new feature, but as long as we’re talking about re-arranging your orders in the orders list, I thought I’d highlight a feature that a lot of people don’t know exist: The orders list allows you to select multiple orders at a time. When building your turn, this is useful to delete or visualize many orders at once, and it can also make moving orders around easier.

To do this, simply hold the Control key down and click on multiple orders. You’ll notice they all become highlighted, both in the orders list and on the map. This makes it easy to visualize them all at once on the map.

If you want to select many orders in a row, select the top order and hold Shift when clicking the lower order.

While multiple orders are selected, you can delete them all with the X, or move them up/down as a group.

Clan Forum Preview

If you’re in a clan, you’ll notice that there’s a new section on the multi-player dashboard that shows recent forum posts in your clan forum. This makes it easier to keep track of your clan’s forum without having to open its page manually.

Other Changes

– When the website home page is accessed from an Android device, it now gives a link directly to the app.
– Viewing a teammates orders before clicking Begin in a no-luck cyclic game no longer produces an error message.

Update 3.5: Coin leaderboard, alternate colors

WarLight has just been updated to version 3.05.0! This update brings improvements to coin games, adds an alternate colors feature, and other improvements. This post will explain everything that changed.

Coin Leaderboard

WarLight now has a leaderboard that keeps track of who wins the most at coin games. Best of all, the leaderboard awards prizes to the top ten participants every three weeks:

  • 1st place: 15,000 coins ($150)
  • 2nd place: 7,000 coins ($70)
  • 3rd place: 2,500 coins ($25)
  • 4th place: 1,500 coins ($15)
  • 5th place: 1,300 coins ($13)
  • 6th place: 1,000 coins ($10)
  • 7th place: 1,000 coins ($10)
  • 8th place: 500 coins ($5)
  • 9th place: 500 coins ($5)
  • 10th place: 500 coins ($5)

Every three weeks, the leaderboard pays out these prizes, and then resets so that everyone has an equal chance at winning the next set of prizes. These prizes create a huge opportunity for players to earn even more money from coin games.

It’s important to understand that the leaderboard only tracks how many coins each player wins from coin games. It is not affected by losses. Therefore, it doesn’t really show how many coins each player has.

At any time, you can visit the leaderboard page to see who is winning. However, the final 24 hours before prizes are given out, the ratings are hidden. This creates suspense so you don’t know who’s going to win until the final second. While hidden, the leaderboard will simply show how many coins each player won when they were first hidden, and no longer update.

Alternate Colors

On the Change Color page, you can now set an alternate color in addition to your primary color. After you set an alternate color, if you attempt to join a game where your primary color is taken by another player, the game will simply automatically use your alternate color. If neither color is available, you’ll be prompted to pick as you are now.

Map of the week auto game

There’s a new auto game available in the Open Games section that will always be played on the current map of the week! Auto games are games created by website, instead of by a player, so they’re always available under the Open Games section.

The new auto game is an FFA available both in real-time and multi-day variants. This replaces the double earth auto game.

Other Changes

– The four castles 4-player FFA coin game no longer hides the names of players in the lobby.
– The high-stakes coin games are now multi-day instead of real-time. If you are interested in playing a high-stakes games, you can simply join and then wait for the e-mail telling you that an opponent has joined.
– When using no-luck cyclic move order, the speed that each player commits is no longer shown in the players panel until after the first turn.
– When using no-luck cyclic move order, it is no longer possible for spectators to see the map distribution until after the first turn. Additionally, the thumbnail that appears in the My Games section is no longer generated until after the first turn.
– When using no-luck cyclic move order in a team game, the collective speed of the team is now the slowest player on that team instead of the average speed of the team.
– When using no-luck cyclic move order, the “You will get x-th order” indicator no longer includes players who are out of the game.
– The Past Game page simply hides the boot time on archived games, instead of stating incorrectly that they were 0-minute boot.
– Adjusted coin deposit options.
– Fixed a bug that caused the “Recall last game” and “Recall last tournament” buttons to be mis-placed.

Update 3.4: Banking boot clock

WarLight has just been updated to version 3.04.0! This update introduces two new features to make banking boot timers more transparent.

Two Clocks

When playing a real-time game that uses Banking Boot Times, there will now be two clocks in the upper right corner instead of one:

This makes it obvious how much of the remaining time belongs to the fixed portion of each turn versus the time you have stored in your bank. The previous single clock used to simply show these two numbers added together, which made it more difficult to tell if you were consuming banked time versus each turn’s fixed portion.

Player Boot Clocks (experimental)

Also when playing a real-time game that uses Banking Boot Times, a new experimental option is available that will show how much time each player has banked under their name in the lower right hand corner:

If you want to try it out, you can enable it on the Settings tab.

Misc Changes

– MP Dashboard: Forum posts now provide a link directly to the last page, if the thread is on multiple pages.
– MP Dashboard: Flipped the columns so the primary one is on the left.
– Added a footer across the entire site, mostly for SEO purposes.

Update 3.3.1: Small update

WarLight has just been updated to version 3.03.1! This update fixes a few small bugs and makes improvements to the multi-player dashboard page. Here’s what’s changed:

– Added “Active games where you are not eliminated” to My Games filters and MP Dashboard
– MP Dashboard: Added (F5) after the refresh button, to show that it can be activated with F5 as a hotkey.
– MP Dashboard: Moved the refresh button to be above the ad, if ads are enabled.
– MP Dashboard: Shows up to 15 games without clicking +more if on the real-time tab.
– MP Dashboard: Don’t show blog posts older than a month.
– MP Dashboard: Reduced font sizes.
– MP Dashboard: Added links to create game and create coin games pages.
– MP Dashboard: Added a big dot over the boxes for players who haven’t yet taken their turn.
– MP Dashboard: Show the number of “my games” in parenthesis next to it.
– Moved the My Games and Open Games tabs to the right.
– Fixed a bug that caused the information line to be missing from the Open Games tab.
– Fixed a bug when viewing the settings of a single-player game that caused the “Boot/Surrender” header to appear.