Levels by Rex Imperator

expension de la relgion

expansion catholique

première guerre mondiale (Alliés)

première guerre mondiale (Axe)

Venise,Gênes,Pise: la domination des mers

battle of Dresden : The true !

Empire de Savoie partie 1

Empire de Savoie partie 2

Empire de Savoie partie 3

Première Guerre Mondiale

New Ottoman Empire

a long journey

Empire ottoman 1914 refondation #1

Empire ottoman 1914 refondation #2

Empire ottoman 1914 refondation #3

Empire ottoman 1914 refondation #4

Empire ottoman 1914 refondation #5

Empire ottoman 1914 refondation #6

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 1

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 2

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 3

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 4

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 5

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 6

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 7

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 8

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 9

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 10

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 11

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 12

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 13

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 14

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 15

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 16

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 17

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 18

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 19

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 20

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 21

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 22

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 23

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 24

rise and fall of Ottoman Empire Part 25: The end

batle for Sierra Leone

Batle for Prussia

batle of Dresden 2

Battle for Iberia

Big battle for France

Rise of Normandie 1

Rise of Normandie 2

Reich vs Russia vs Austria in Poland

Commander Battle