Levels by Igots
American Civil War
Second Punic War (Rome)
Gondor Vs. Mordor
Axis and Allies (Allies)
Invaders Vs. Defenders (Defenders)
Race for Utah
Athens Vs. Sparta
World War 1 Europe
The Duel of USA
Fight for the Star
Betrayed (Rohan vs. Gondor)
6-Day war
Well Why did I make this
War of the Continents
War for North America
Axis and Allies Europe
The Lost TItan
Fight for the Death Star
War of the First Coalition (Napoleonic Wars)
War of the Second Coalition (Napoleonic Wars)
Maze of 7 players
Conquest of Europe
Fight of the Dynasty
Fight for the Continents #1
Fallen Kingdom Pt 2
Battle of Westerplatte (WW2 series)
A challenge
Warzone 1-1 (Heavy Earth)
Warzone 1-2 (Heavy Earth)
Warzone 1-3 (Heavy Earth)
Warzone 1-4 (Heavy Earth)
Warzone 1-5 (Heavy Earth)