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Level 3201 - 3225 of 22012   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  65  ...  128  129  130  ...  505  ...  880  881  Next >>   
fair   20 likes, 94 wins in 1766 attempts
Created by Carlitosb84
Record holder: Raki20 in 13 turns
Failure at Incheon Part 4: Asian Revolution   4 likes, 32 wins in 35 attempts
Created by YeetyYeetman
Record holder: PallandoBlue in 7 turns
Failure at Incheon Part 3: Japanese War   18 likes, 117 wins in 133 attempts
Created by YeetyYeetman
Record holder: Stkrgr in 6 turns
Failure at Incheon Part 2: Vietnam War   10 likes, 119 wins in 127 attempts
Created by YeetyYeetman
Record holder: Lazy_Gun in 8 turns
Failure at Incheon Part 1: Korean War   9 likes, 59 wins in 65 attempts
Created by YeetyYeetman
Record holder: Pjx in 5 turns
Custom 12 bases with commerce   48 likes, 343 wins in 781 attempts
Created by DGarCam
Record holder: Yume Nikaidou in 17 turns
Tricky reserves Pt2   10 likes, 64 wins in 241 attempts
Created by Die Rolle
Record holder: XY in 3 turns
goodluck   40 likes, 300 wins in 1076 attempts
Created by JayDogg
Record holder: Rudy in 6 turns
Blockade Wisely   17 likes, 70 wins in 796 attempts
Created by mateop
Record holder: elwis33 in 31 turns
Sicilia Campaignia   29 likes, 212 wins in 316 attempts
Created by Kiso Dannete
Record holder: Nikitan in 5 turns
1v4   10 likes, 75 wins in 238 attempts
Created by Nikitan
Record holder: Wilkes77Ace in 2 turns
English Civil War   21 likes, 166 wins in 262 attempts
Created by Kiso Dannete
Record holder: islaydram in 7 turns
Eastern Victory Part 4: Asian Conquest   5 likes, 36 wins in 40 attempts
Created by YeetyYeetman
Record holder: Michael H. in 5 turns
RoR overlapping megabonuses   2 likes, 1 win in 792 attempts
Created by Cephistokles
Record holder: Carve in 141 turns
Cycloid with commerce   54 likes, 339 wins in 939 attempts
Created by DGarCam
Record holder: Ario in 25 turns
siedge   39 likes, 214 wins in 582 attempts
Created by Thomas Andreas Kocher
Record holder: Neon Skull in 5 turns
Tricky reserves Pt1   6 likes, 89 wins in 136 attempts
Created by Die Rolle
Record holder: Neon Skull in 4 turns
Eastern Victory Part 3: Philippine War   9 likes, 78 wins in 86 attempts
Created by YeetyYeetman
Record holder: Goofke9 in 6 turns
European Battle Royale (With Cheese)   29 likes, 119 wins in 1363 attempts
Created by Burnerballs82
Record holder: Donn in 25 turns
Svantaggio!   9 likes, 22 wins in 650 attempts
Created by T
Record holder: Coddy99 in 44 turns
Conquering europe Pt 5   3 likes, 37 wins in 51 attempts
Created by Die Rolle
Record holder: PallandoBlue in 13 turns
Conquering europe Pt 4   7 likes, 36 wins in 54 attempts
Created by Die Rolle
Record holder: howlneagle in 22 turns
Conquering europe Pt 3   7 likes, 58 wins in 66 attempts
Created by Die Rolle
Record holder: Ylof in 11 turns
Conquering europe Pt 2   10 likes, 63 wins in 82 attempts
Created by Die Rolle
Record holder: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 in 12 turns
Conquering europe Pt 1   16 likes, 119 wins in 136 attempts
Created by Die Rolle
Record holder: ROB in 6 turns
Level 3201 - 3225 of 22012   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  65  ...  128  129  130  ...  505  ...  880  881  Next >>