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Level 4001 - 4025 of 22012   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  81  ...  160  161  162  ...  521  ...  880  881  Next >>   
ccc castle   40 likes, 2122 wins in 2553 attempts
Created by cccmmm
Record holder: Widlathor in 23 turns
Yugoslav wars   7 likes, 62 wins in 97 attempts
Created by Kiso Dannete
Record holder: istanbul0687 in 6 turns
Sierra Leone 3-Way   59 likes, 217 wins in 339 attempts
Created by Novotny TV
Record holder: Lord God Ragnar in 17 turns
Trivial Warfare - 4th ring   33 likes, 214 wins in 329 attempts
Created by Gemini
Record holder: SD in 20 turns
Operation Overlord, Bagration, and Unthinkable   14 likes, 56 wins in 144 attempts
Created by Kiso Dannete
Record holder: Anthony St. George in 30 turns
Army Cap One Greater Belgium Royale   7 likes, 72 wins in 184 attempts
Created by eater9
Record holder: pouer in 8 turns
Army Cap One Belgium Royale   13 likes, 104 wins in 216 attempts
Created by eater9
Record holder: Pouer in 7 turns
World Domination   6 likes, 55 wins in 434 attempts
Created by Paul
Record holder: alifenorm in 7 turns
Dark Tower Adventure   1 like, 9 wins in 631 attempts
Created by The_New_Kaiser
Record holder: 13andrej in 149 turns
Korean War (America)   6 likes, 55 wins in 189 attempts
Created by loliconkamisama1
Record holder: jandrew in 13 turns
BR549   33 likes, 163 wins in 557 attempts
Created by M71067
Record holder: Duncan in 13 turns
Army Cap One Greater Hungary Royale   9 likes, 56 wins in 152 attempts
Created by eater9
Record holder: spuriousname in 24 turns
GoT - Winter has come   6 likes, 39 wins in 747 attempts
Created by Mig
Record holder: Bozo in 15 turns
Army Cap One Hungary Royale   6 likes, 98 wins in 127 attempts
Created by eater9
Record holder: Pouer in 10 turns
Thomas Andreas Kocher's level   13 likes, 79 wins in 438 attempts
Created by Thomas Andreas Kocher
Record holder: Massimo M in 32 turns
Scrabble 7x3 FFA rnd dist   44 likes, 535 wins in 1477 attempts
Created by Brotherdan
Record holder: Magic in 16 turns
11   27 likes, 163 wins in 207 attempts
Created by a
Record holder: pizzaboy in 9 turns
10   11 likes, 65 wins in 2025 attempts
Created by a
Record holder: Christhegreat in 21 turns
War of the Pacific   15 likes, 154 wins in 236 attempts
Created by Nikitan
Record holder: Leondie7 in 5 turns
Trivial warfare - Ring 5   49 likes, 304 wins in 566 attempts
Created by Gemini
Record holder: rokman in 19 turns
Kaluria   11 likes, 34 wins in 297 attempts
Created by The_New_Kaiser
Record holder: Barbar17 in 30 turns
039   4 likes, 29 wins in 779 attempts
Created by Nicolas Luna
Record holder: Wade in 25 turns
L11   17 likes, 202 wins in 240 attempts
Created by Orangecat
Record holder: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 in 5 turns
Rom and its neigbors: Team Game   44 likes, 541 wins in 2110 attempts
Created by Joe
Record holder: Neon Skull in 18 turns
10 player   65 likes, 292 wins in 1921 attempts
Created by a
Record holder: DrUm in 24 turns
Level 4001 - 4025 of 22012   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  81  ...  160  161  162  ...  521  ...  880  881  Next >>