(Alt) History: Prussia

Created by Ja (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/26/2017
Number of attempts: 380
Number of wins: 138
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: Stalinalin in 7 turns on 7/27/2017


Since the defeat of Napoleon in 1815,the Prussians had
gotten little territory gains even though they did a lot of the war effort against France. Old Prussian lands had not even been returned, and in 1819, Russia had declared war against Prussia, annexing some of its territory,and installed a Polish puppet. To make matters worse, Prussia was denied from joining the new Northern German Confederation. Plan-Annex Denmark,Saxony,Thuringia, Mecklenberg, Hanover, Oldenberg, and Westphalia to unit Germany!