Divided we fall

Created by FalranMcKi YY49 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/27/2018
Number of attempts: 151
Number of wins: 128
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: jolokia in 11 turns on 8/28/2018


The european union is in shambles after a huge civil war, we have failed to unite under a single ideology, humans just can't get along, can we, a plane has been shot down that carried Vladimir Putin, Donald trump, pope jean baptiste de sant' ares buchaeu, they all survived but a communist EMP'd the the electrical grid, the presidents could do nothing to help us since it caused a split in the european union
Anyways, this war will change the face of europe forever.
God help us through these
uncertain times
you play France and help the Georgia Pact restore Europe