Hong Kong protests v1.1

Created by rk725 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/22/2019
Number of attempts: 70
Number of wins: 27
Number of likes: 13
Record holder: DH in 15 turns on 9/23/2019


An attempt to put Hong Kong's democracy and human rights activists' protests of 2019 and 2014 into a map form. In just one protest in July 2019, two million people showed up, out of the entire Hong Kong population of about 7 million. As of autumn of
2019, there is no universal suffrage in HK

Give it a LIKE if you like the game, or give it a LIKE if you support Hong Kong's cause.
(hint if you cannot win: use Airlift card wisely).