God,Honour,Fatherland P.6

Created by Antonius I of Smoleńsk (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/9/2020
Number of attempts: 59
Number of wins: 46
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: Zocotoed in 7 turns on 4/10/2020


Good work,Commander!
It's quite strange,that we don't have new sanctions,but they probably suspect something.Nevermind.So...Russia,pro-Russians,Syria,Turkey,Italy,Hungary...it's not enough! We need someone else to gain our position.

And what will you say about...France? In the distant past, our countries' relations looked different. Polish people accuses the French one for not helping Poland on September 1939. From the other hand,Poles considers Napoleon Bonaparte as a saviour from Russian oppression. Modernly,relations between the two countries have deteriorated significantly. The bad situation started,when in 2016 Poland during the rule of PiS,at the last minute gave up the purchase of "Caracal" helicopters. Later,one of the deputy ministers said,that Poles taught the French how to use a fork. And so on. But there is still hope. We certainly would not be able to communicate with Macron,but with Marine Le Pen!

Your current mission is simple: you and Russian hackers need to faking the elections in France,so Le Pen will join our coalition with a pleasure.

And so besides: We established relations with Iran. Don't forget also,that we have really good friends:Turkey,Hungary and now China!