Alternate World War 2 (Finale): The A-Bomb

Created by United States (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/17/2020
Number of attempts: 58
Number of wins: 55
Number of likes: 2
Record holder: BritishEmpire in 6 turns on 8/17/2020


Before we begin I would like to once again thank johnthebest for this idea this wouldn’t be a thing if he didn’t give me this idea. (Disclaimer: there isn’t nuclear bombs so you just finish off Japan). Republic of China has regained their former lands. The Soviets gained North Korea. The British Raj gained Burma. France gained French Indochina. Siam Regained their former lands. USA gained the Japanese South Islands, Guam, and the Philippines.