Taiwan’s Revenge

Created by AnAdjustedPlayer (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/15/2020
Number of attempts: 58
Number of wins: 29
Number of likes: 2
Record holder: jandrew in 23 turns on 8/15/2020


The year is 2054, Taiwan is officially recognized as part of the PRC or The People’s Republic of China’s, in South East Asia. The Philippines has taken over the Eastern part of Malaysia, Thailand is split between The Philippines and India. Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia joined The Philippines while Burma and Western Malaysia is annexed by India, India controls South Asia including Afghanistan. Kazakhstan has united all of Central Asia and named themselves The Republic of Central Asia. Japan controls Korea, but you are only a mere rebellious version of the former Taiwan. China may have a large army but you have an even larger army. (How did that happen?. I have no idea) An army willing to liberate China from it’s Communist pigs. Your rebellion has good relations with countries that hate China like The Philippines and Japan. India is friends with China. Will you succeed and become the most powerful nation in Asia or be put down?