Mindanao’s Civil War

Created by AnAdjustedPlayer (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/17/2020
Number of attempts: 51
Number of wins: 42
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: Holzwurmch in 11 turns on 8/17/2020


The year is 2069, The Philippines is split by three states, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Although Luzon and Visayas are peaceful, Mindanao has erupted into a civil war as three factions take over large parts of Mindanao. As The Republicans take the Eastern part of Mindanao, Anarchists have also taken over Western Mindanao. But you are the sole survivor of the Mindanao government, take back all of your lost land and reunite the Mindanao Islands. Succeed and you’ll be praised for saving the state, or fail and be annexed by the rebels.