WoP. Western Republic Pt.5

Created by Gamer8388 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/22/2020
Number of attempts: 40
Number of wins: 34
Number of likes: 1
Record holder: jobgrabber@gmail.com in 9 turns on 12/22/2020


Date: February 7th, 2039
Place: New London
Operation: Sand Stalker

It's been a long fight, but finally, Latin America Federation government agreet to a ceasefire and cut off all ties with RCU. With them out of the war, Wester Republic government prepared operation to make a beachhead in Europe. However, to make sure it will succeed, we need to attack from two sides. This is why, we decided to firstly invade Arab League. They also are at war with us, being the allies of RCU and for two years now, they've been fighting African Union. Because of that, WR and AU signed a treaty. We help them against Arab League, they will help us against RCU. So, knowing this, you should get to work commander. These are hard times and we need any ally possible.