Power Attack Part 3

Created by Matteo (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/28/2021
Number of attempts: 141
Number of wins: 131
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: Saltie in 7 turns on 3/28/2021


Ouch! That last battle did leave Mason and Timber a message. However, they read the message differently then what you wanted. Mason is now going INSANELY MAD!!! Your leader Jeff is finally taking this “Mason” guy as a threat. Jeff sent troops to help you fight this war. He also donated some soldiers to you. Mason is growing stronger by the hour now. Ben will need to sit out for a fight. He’s stressing way too much. Only you and Jeff can take down Mason’s army. Speaking about Mason, where’s Timber? Looks like Timber is also sitting out. This is good, but also bad because we lost Timber. We don’t know where he is. That’s a problem for another day. For now, worry about Mason’s big army.