Power Attack Part 4

Created by Matteo (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/29/2021
Number of attempts: 139
Number of wins: 75
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: Ed Carthell Edward Anderson in 10 turns on 3/29/2021


Another day, another fight! After the battle in Nunavut and The Northwest Territories, Mason realized his plan isn’t working anymore. This time, Mason is bringing most of his troops to this next and hopefully last fight. You, Jeff, and Ben heard of Mason’s Army causing chaos in Quebec and Ontario. All three of you go there to end all of this madness. However, this battle is different . . . . Mason, the leader, planned his attack very well so well that Timber didn’t think of this. Man made fog was created by Mason himself throughout the battlefield. Good thing for you it’s light fog so you can still see where they are all at least. Good luck commander!