Power Attack Part 5

Created by Matteo (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/29/2021
Number of attempts: 142
Number of wins: 135
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: ad2046 in 6 turns on 3/29/2021


Time is very precious. Mason is losing his mind now! We heard Mason and Timber are moving away. I’m not sure if that was there originally plan, but I have a funny feeling they are going to regroup and attack us. Hi, I’m your real commander Matteo! Jeff was just in charge of this big mission of defeating Mason’s Army. From now on, you will follow my orders not his. I heard about Mason before, in fact I personally know him. This will sound funny but Mason has superpowers! He’s a super villain that always wanted to take North America. We will have to defend North America! Get ready, on the radar it looks like Mason’s Army is coming in. Our mission is to defend North America.