Battle for the Free Republic of Franklin

Created by trinasi (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/6/2021
Number of attempts: 357
Number of wins: 253
Number of likes: 39
Record holder: flop in 13 turns on 6/6/2021


You are Col. John Sevier, the year is 1785. Talks with America have failled. They refuse to admit the territory into the union. You have entered into talks with Spain and Great Britain and they are in the process of recognising the Free Republic of Franklin as a free and independent nation. If this nation is to seccede then it shall have to be larger and stronger. Your goal is to defeat the Native Tribes to the west and set up safe land for colonies that would secure the nation everything that it needs to be independent from the influence of North Carolina and the United states.