alternate future of DSA episode 2

Created by deaththekid89 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/9/2022
Number of attempts: 219
Number of wins: 83
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: Louis-C. Malouin in 13 turns on 7/11/2022


alternate future of the disunited states of America episode 2
Maryland's invasion surprised the states but ultimately it was the their defeat which called into question Maryland's capacity for war this is why on sensing Maryland's weakness West Virginia decided to act on the nation whose army was nearly destroyed by a weak state

oh no! Virginia has supplied Maryland with reinforcements which means your in for a tougher battle then expected. stop Virginia by taking their capital and forcing them to end their alliance with Maryland!

you are in for a moderate sized battle taking place in the western Maryland area your job is to defeat Maryland and secure land for your weak pathetic little economy