Albania Rises

Created by kanyo (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/10/2022
Number of attempts: 362
Number of wins: 93
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: Lewis in 3 turns on 7/10/2022


Albania and Kosovo want to unite to make an Albanian federation state, Montenegro has Albanian and Serbian minorities and feels threatened by Albania. Serbia refuses to recognize Kosovo as independent, and demands that Montenegro join there boycott of the Albanian federation, with the threat of getting Russia to revoke their recognition of them; Montenegro.
Albanian troops force migrate Serbs out of their new union, which causes Montenegro and Serbia to escalate things when they detain and exicute Albanian Federation troops who accidentally crossed the border into the northern Serbian occupied parts of Kosovo.
This escalation results in Albania and Kosovo declaring war on Serbia and Montenegro, with Macedonia declaring war on both sides out of growing ethnic tension, spilling into it's borders.