The Founding of Israel Part 2

Created by Yattan7 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/14/2023
Number of attempts: 207
Number of wins: 178
Number of likes: 24
Record holder: Moinee in 9 turns on 12/14/2023


On the 1st of Nissan 2355, the 12 tribes of Israel under the command of Joshua invade the Canaanite lands. The canaanites were divided into hundreds of warring city states. Idol worship was prolific and the sins of the Amorites had reached its full measure (Gen 15:16) Take command of Joshua’s army and conquer the land.

Bonus points if you build cities in each area and garrison with at least 10 troops each.