The founding of Israel part 1

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In 2350 (Jewish calendar) Moses leads the second generation of freed slaves to the promised land. 40 years earlier the People had refused to go in, but now their decedents were obedient. Moses lead them out of the southern wilderness on the path God showed them. While the Israelites sent envoys ahead to ask the locals to let them pass peacefully, the kingdom’s of Hesbon and Bashan instead attacked them starting twin wars. (Deut. 3:30-4:13)

Sihon king of Heshbon had captured Heshbon from the moabites and had five midianitish kings as vassals. The word Sihon means swift foal and was the brother of king Og.

King Og of Bashan, was the last descendent of a race of giant folk of Rephaim and was known for his bravery. He was also known for having a bed 9 cubits (arm lengths) long and made of iron.

Strategically both brothers made the mistake of leaving their fortified cities to fight a veteran army in the planes.