Rise of the Czech Empire II

Created by Glory to Czechland (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/2/2016
Number of attempts: 172
Number of wins: 55
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: fatality in 19 turns on 8/4/2016


This is my 2nd serie of levels. "Rise of the Czech Empire" should be challenging for medium skilled players of warlight.

Manual how to conquer whole world:
Step 1: unite your country
Step 2: unite WHOLE your country

Chapter 2: The best defence is... defence.

After conquering Bohemia just a small piece of your country rests. Unforutentely other nations already noticed your revolution and sent their best soldiers to stop you. The coommander of the army is Šemík, the best (=the only who survived) general of Czech Republice during the war. Whole army is now marching agains you. We awaits your orders, general.
Difficulty 6/10: medium-hard
Length: long (25-35 turns)