The Russian-American War 2017 - II

Created by MorbidlyDeceased (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/15/2016
Number of attempts: 171
Number of wins: 114
Number of likes: 20
Record holder: qs in 12 turns on 11/22/2019


Ever since the presidential election, tensions in America have been running high, and rebel factions have been growing in secret. In the Russian invasion of the West Coast, one faction acted, knowing well that the U.S. Government wouldn't. This faction blew up every section of Interstate highways that ran through the Rocky Mountains, creating a massive buffer on the west, at the expense of losing a third of the continental U.S. landmass. In a move to get around these mountains, Russia has allied with Mexico, in expansion for financial aid and military support, Mexico has given up a portion of it's Western coast and had declared war on the U.S. The U.S. government has called for a full military evacuation of everything West of the Mississippi River. All that remains are rebel factions, who must now prevent the Russian-Mexican joint forces from taking another third of the country. It is time to push back.