Levels by DGarCam
Spain with commerce
Earth with commerce
Hexagonal with commerce
Alderaan with commerce
Celtica with commerce
Pascal's with commerce
Tamriel with commerce 4 teams
Checkers with commerce 1vs2vs2vs1
Arena with commerce
Stern-Halma with commerce
Triangular battlefield with commerce (easy)
Warlympics with commerce
Earth with commerce 4 teams
Hex Wars with commerce
Pursuit with commerce
Halma with commerce
Barbados with commerce
Discovery 4 with commerce
Board with commerce
2 Bridges with commerce
Battle with commerce
Magnify with commerce & army cap
Antarctica with commerce
Expedition with commerce
Blitzkrieg 2vs1vs1vs1 with commerce
Regio Coquus with commerce
DR Sea with commerce
1vs1vs1vs1 Duel with commerce
Crusades with commerce
Hexagon with commerce
X with commerce
Wheel of Fortune with commerce
Dominican Republic with commerce
Shikoku with commerce
Victoria with commerce
Santa Catarina with commerce
Camden County with commerce
Empty Realm with commerce
Middle East with commerce
Ohio with commerce 1vs2vs2
Finland with commerce
Rise of Rome 1vs2vs2 with commerce
Hex Snowflake with commerce
Georgia 1vs2vs2vs2 with commerce
Pirate Treasure Map with commerce
Umbria e Limitrofi with commerce
Cataluña with commerce
Distopian Europe with commerce
Castle Wars with commerce
Fantasy coast with commerce
Monza & Brianza with commerce
Eswatini with commerce
Prussia with commerce
Wrzesnia with commerce
Urban Grid with commerce
Kentucky with commerce 8 players
Kentucky with commerce 13 players
Hexsk with commerce
Guinea with commerce
Medium Poland with commerce
Headquarters with commerce 10 players
Big British with commerce 7 teams
Trunia with commerce 12 players
China Sea with commerce
Paris with commerce
The Element with commerce
Bistum Hildesheim with commerce
Antartica with commerce
República Dominicana 1vs2vs2vs2
Gotland with commerce
Imperium with commerce
Nevada with commerce
San Sebastián with commerce
Battle Hexagon with commerce
Trebic District with commerce
Crusades ~1200 with commerce
Element with commerce
Numenor with commerce
Cycloid with commerce
Custom 12 bases with commerce
Mystic Eyelands with commerce
Bomlo with commerce
Medium Europe with commerce
Emerald Isle with commerce
Western Europe with commerce
Division with commerce
Atoll with commerce
Paisos Catalans with commerce
Hex Wars with commerce
Tannu Tuva with commerce
Big Antartica with commerce
8x8 with commerce
Custom Hexagon Wars
Medium Indiana with commerce
Test map 20230202
Il Triveneto with commerce
Flanders with commerce
South Atlantic
RV 1 vs 6 teams of 2
Big Bolivia 8 players
Wheel of fortune 8 players
Wheel of fortune 2
Wheel of fortune 3
Emerald Isle 14 players
Lynchburg 8 players
Colonial Africa 1vs3vs3vs3
Mediterranean France 1vs2vs2vs2
Draconia 2vs3vs3vs3
Brazil Regional 1vs2vs2vs2
You vs 5 pairs on Bulgaria
7 pairs in Alabama
Headquarters: 6 players
Pursuit with 7 players
Big Portugal 6 players
Samoa with comerce
Samoa vs 7 players
Roasted chicken leg with commerce
Strategic map with commerce
Strategic map with commerce 2
Strategic map with commerce 3
Strategic map with commerce 4
Green's Edge with bonus army
Kerbin Medium 8 players
Apple 3 players
Moscow with commerce
Mexico with commerce
Small map with commerce
Arrakis with commerce
Laketown with commerce (6 players)
Mexico with commerce (4 players)
Limburg with commerce
Easy street with commerce
Portugal with commerce (9 players)
Cadia with commerce