Levels by Some_Historian

French cival war

Canadian civil war

Arab war

Chinese civil war

South american war

War of Central America

African union

Ottoman empire war


Fall of the Roman Empire

NATO invasion of the Balkans


Alternate WW1 Victory scenario

Second civil war

Russian Conquest 1: Baltic war

Brexit war

Russian Conquest 2: Scandinavia security

Russian Conquest 3: Alliance with Germany

Russian Conquest 4: War for UK

Russian Conquest 5: Middle East Conquest

Russian Conquest 6: Alaska reintegration

Several small countries vs 1 large country

Estonia and Lithuania Vs Latvia

Fall of Iberia

Second American Civil War

Alternate North America

Liberation of the Nordics

Continent VS Continent with diplomacy

War of the middle east

European Civil War



Soviet Invasion of the Scandinavia

Soviet Invasion of Central Europe (and Iceland)

Alternate Third Balkan War

Invasion of the USSR: Belarusian Invasion

War of 2055

Battle of New York

Battle of New England

Brazilian Civil War

Battle of New York

Great Peninsula War

Emperor Hirohito’s Divine Invasion

Southern Campaign

Great Rebellion of 1949

Invasion of Cascadia

Axis Victory: Operation Fallen Eagle