Validate invite token API

If you're creating a system that invites players to WarLight games via the Create game API, you may wish to validate whether or not an invite token or e-mail address is valid before you attempt to invite them to a game.

Of course, if you invite a player to a game with their token, the Create game API will inform you that it's invalid. But you may wish to determine whether or not it's valid before attempting to create a game, such as when a new player signs up on your site.

You can do this by calling the following API:

To call this programmatically, you can POST your e-mail address and API token to this page in the format You can get your API token from the Get API Token API.

This will return the following fields about the player whose token you provided:

  • tokenIsValid: This simply tells you that the token does belong to a WarLight player.
  • name: The player's WarLight nickname.
  • isMember: True if the player has purchased a WarLight membership.
  • color: The player's preferred WarLight color.
  • tagLine: The tagline the player has set up to display on their profile page.

See Also